This is a continuation of Exercise 2 from Week 5 practical exercises. Use the two java files, and that you developed in Exercise 1 Week 5. Import the two java files into your week 6 project in Eclipse then:
Month Name: February
How many weeks in February? 4
February Sales & Expenditure week 1: 200 300
February Sales & Expenditure week 2: 300 450
February Sales & Expenditure week 3: 350 250
February Sales & Expenditure week 4: 275 275
For Month of February:
Total Sales:
Total Expenses:
Enter another month's data? Y/N Y
Month Name: March
How many weeks in March? 5
March Sales & Expenditure week 1: 200 200
March Sales & Expenditure week 2: 150 150
March Sales & Expenditure week 3: 350 400
March Sales & Expenditure week 4: 400 350
March Sales & Expenditure week 5: 225 200
For Month of March:
Balance: $25.00
Total Sales: $1325.00
Total Expenses: $1300.00
Keleven: $0.00
Enter another month's data? Y/N N