1.Write a program that uses an array to store 10 elements, representing 10 students test scores that will be entered from the keyboard. Given the following grading scale, iterate through the array, determine the letter grade each score will receive, and store the grade in a corresponding character array.
A >= 92.0 B >= 84.0 C >= 75.0 D >= 65.0 F < 65.0
Display the numeric score and the corresponding letter grade. Also calculate and display the class average as well as the number of students that receive each letter grade. For the purposes of this exercise everything should be done from main.
2.Rewrite the program from exercise 1. Break the program into functions so that it adheres to a good modular design.
3.Modify exercises 1 and 2. Add a function that prompts for the course number (CS 161) and your professors name (Mary Jane). When the results of the program are displayed, use the new information as part of the reports title.