Create an automobile class that will be used by a dealership as a vehicle inventory program. The following attributes should be present in your automobile class:
private string make
private string model
private string color
private int year
private int mileage
Your program should have appropriate methods such as:
add a new vehicle
remove a vehicle
update vehicle attributes
At the end of your program, it should allow the user to output all vehicle inventory to a text file.
Scenario #1: A car dealership has hired your software development firm to create a new car inventory program. You will first need to develop a class that represents the inventory of the dealership. What components and attributes will need to be included in your automobile class? Why?
Scenario #2: A national builder has hired your software development firm to create a home inventory program. You will first need to develop a class that represents the inventory of the homes in the nation. What components and attributes will need to be included in your home class? Why?