One of the most common applications of priority queues is in the creation of simulations.
A discrete event-driven simulation is one popular simulation technique.
A priority queue is used to store a representation of events waiting to happen.
Imagine that you are thinking of opening a bar in San Mateo!
To create a simulation, you first examine similar operations in comparable locations and form a model that includes, among other factors,
Based on this, you can design a simulation.
To see how we might create a simulation of our Software Gurus Bar, consider a typical scenario:
A group of customers arrive at the bar.
From our measurements of similar bars, we derive a probability that indicates how frequently this occurs.
The bar makes a profit of
$2 on each local beer,
$3 on each imported beer and
$4 on each special beer.
The primary object in the simulation is the bar itself. It might seem odd to provide behavior for this inanimate object, but we can think of the bar as a useful abstraction for the servers and managers who work in the bar.
The bar manages two data items:
The behavior of the bar can be described by the following list:
A (partial) java class description for SoftwareGurusBar is given below:
public class SoftwareGurusBar {
private int freeChairs = 50;
private double profit = 0.0;
private SimulationFramework simulation = new SimulationFramework();
public static void main(String[] args) {
SoftwareGurusBar world = new SoftwareGurusBar();
SoftwareGurusBar() {
int t = 0;
while (t < 240) { // simulate 4 hours of bar operation
t += randBetween(2, 5); // new group every 2-5 minutes
simulation.scheduleEvent(new ArriveEvent(t, randBetween(1, 5)));
} // group size ranges from 1 to 5; System.out.println("Total profits " + profit); }
private int randBetween(int low, int high) {
return low + (int)((high - low + 1) * Math.random());
public boolean canSeat(int numberOfPeople) {
System.out.println("Group of " + numberOfPeople + " customers arrives at time " + simulation.time());
if (numberOfPeople < freeChairs) {
System.out.println("Group is seated");
freeChairs -= numberOfPeople;
return true;
} else System.out.println("No Room, Group Leaves");
return false;
private void order(int beerType) {
System.out.println("Serviced order for beer type " + beerType + " at time " + simulation.time()); // update profit knowing beerType ( left for you ) }
private void leave(int numberOfPeople) {
System.out.println("Group of size " + numberOfPeople + " leaves at time " + simulation.time());
freeChairs += numberOfPeople;
private class ArriveEvent extends Event {
private int groupSize;
ArriveEvent(int time, int gs) {
groupSize = gs;
public void processEvent() {
if (canSeat(groupSize)) { // place an order within 2 & 10 minutes
simulation.scheduleEvent(new OrderEvent(time + randBetween(2, 10), groupSize));
private class OrderEvent extends Event {
private int groupSize;
OrderEvent(int time, int gs) {
groupSize = gs;
public void processEvent() { // each member of the group orders a beer (type 1,2,3) for (int i = 0; i < groupSize; i++) order(1 + randBetween(1, 3)); // schedule a leaveEvent for this group // all the group leaves together ( left for you ) } }
private class LeaveEvent extends Event {
LeaveEvent(int time, int gs) {
groupSize = gs;
private int groupSize;
public void processEvent() {
The method randBetween(low, high) returns a random integer between the two given endpoints low & high.
The methods canSeat, order, and leave manipulate the profits and the number of chairs.
The execution of the simulation is controled by the simulation framework and the inner classes ArriveEvent, OrderEvent, and LeaveEvent which are described next.
A framework is reusable software that implements a generic solution to a generalized problem.
Principle: Applications that do different, but related, things tend to have quite similar designs
A framework is intrinsically incomplete
In the object oriented paradigm, a framework is composed of a library of classes.
A framework is like the skeleton of an application
Our framework for simulations describes the features common to all discrete event-driven simulations, namely:
But note that the framework has no knowledge of the specific simulation being constructed.
To create a working application, certain key classes provided by the framework are used to create subclasses. These subclasses can provide the application-specific behavior.
In our simulation framework, the key class is Event. Three new types of events are created, corresponding to groups of drinkers
Other frameworks you have already seen are AWT & Swing.
Frameworks can be created for any task that is repeated with a wide range of variations but that has a core of common functionality.
Rather than simply code a simulation of this one problem, we will generalize the problem and first produce a generic framework for simulations. At the heart of a simulation is the concept of event.
An event will be represented by an instance of class Event. The only value held by the class will be the time the event is to occur. The method processEvent will be invoked to execute the event when the appropriate time is reached.
The simulation queue will need to maintain a collection of various types of events. Each form of event will be represented by different derived classes of class Event. Not all events will have the same type, although they will all be derived from class Event.
Because a heap is a container that orders the elements it holds, we provide a basis for comparisons by having the class Event implement the Comparable interface.
This interface consists of only one method, compareTo. This method returns an integer result, which is 1 if the current value is less than the argument; 0 if they are equal; and 1 if the current value is larger than the argument.
We are now ready to define the class SimulationFramework, which provides the basic structure for simulation activities.
public class SimulationFramework {
public void scheduleEvent(Event newEvent) { // put or addElement “newEvent” to the “eventQueue” // MinHeap Priority Queue ( left for you ) }
public void run() {
while (!eventQueue.isEmpty()) { // remove min element from priority queue (Min Heap) Event nextEvent = (Event) eventQueue.removeMin(); currentTime = nextEvent.time; nextEvent.processEvent(); // what do you see here??? } }
public int time() {
return currentTime;
private int currentTime = 0;
private FindMin eventQueue = new Heap(new DefaultComparator());
public abstract class Event implements Comparable {
public final int time;
public Event(int t) {
time = t;
abstract void processEvent();
public int compareTo(Object o) {
Event right = (Event) o;
if (time < right.time) return -1;
if (time == right.time) return 0;
return 1;
public abstract interface FindMin extends Collection;
* FindMin - find smallest element in collection (priority queue);
* Method Summary
* void addElement(java.lang.Object value)
* add a new value to the collection
* java.lang.Object getFirst()
* yields the smallest element in collection
* void removeFirst()
* removes the smallest element in collection
public class DefaultComparator implements java.util.Comparator;
* DefaultComparator - comparator object for values that satisfy
* comparable interface;
* Method Detail
* public int compare(java.lang.Object left, java.lang.Object right)
* determine order of two object; -1, 0 or 1
* Specified by:
* compare in interface java.util.Comparator
* Parameters:
* left - first object
* right - second object
* Returns:
* -1 if left less than right, 0 if equal, 1 otherwise equals * * public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
* Specified by:
* equals in interface java.util.Comparator
* Overrides:
* equals in class java.lang.Object
The following tasks are left for you to complete this project:
One alternative to the use of uniform distribution is the idea of a weighted discrete probability. Suppose that we observe a real bar and note that 15% of the time they will order local beer, 60% of the time they will order imported beer, and 25% of the time they will order special beer. This is certainly a far different distribution from the uniform distribution we used above (33% of each type of beer). In order to simulate this new behavior, we can add a new method to our class random.