
Your assignment is to create four properly documented constructs in Java:

  • a BingoCardRowListBasedImpl_LastName class (e.g., BingoCardRowListBasedImpl_Kart), which extends the class BingoCardRowListBased_Abstract class
  • a BingoCardRowSetBasedImpl_LastName class (e.g., BingoCardRowSetBasedImpl_Kart), which extends the class BingoCardRowSetBased_Abstract class
  • a BingoCardColumnListBasedImpl_LastName class (e.g., BingoCardColumnListBasedImpl_Kart), which extends the class BingoCardColumnListBased_Abstract class
  • a BingoCardDiagonalListBasedImpl_LastName class (e.g., BingoCardDiagonalListBasedImpl_Kart), which extends the class BingoCardDiagonalListBased_Abstract class

BingoCard Concept

A BingoCard provides three main services, it can:

  • report on what number is in each row and column
  • mark entries
  • report on whether it contains a certain number
  • report on which numbers are marked
  • report on whether it is in a winning configuration

Note that the BingoCard

  • is told which numbers are on the card in each row and column via a client-facing constructor call
  • always reports that the free space is marked
  • needs to have something added to the precondition for the mark() method

Java Interface

public interface BingoCard {
public static final int ROW_COUNT = 5;
public static final int COLUMN_COUNT = 5;
public static final int FREE_SPACE_ROW = 3;
public static final int FREE_SPACE_COLUMN = 3;
public static final int FREE_SPACE = null;

//part of pre: 1 <= row <= ROW_COUNT
//part of pre: 1 <= column <= COLUMN_COUNT
//part of post: column == 1 ("B") ==> 1 <= rv <= 15
//part of post: column == 2 ("I") ==> 16 <= rv <= 30
//part of post: column == 3 ("N") ==> ((31 <= rv <= 45) || ((row = 3) && (rv == FREE_SPACE)));
//part of post: column == 4 ("G") ==> 46 <= rv <= 60
//part of post: column == 5 ("O") ==> 61 <= rv <= 75
//part of post: rv == FREE_SPACE <==> ((row == FREE_SPACE_ROW) && (column == FREE_SPACE_COLUMN))
public Integer getEntry(int row, int column);

//part of pre: 1 <= number <= 75
//part of post: contains(number) <==> (isMarked(row, column) for some 1 <= row <= ROW_COUNT, 1 <= column <= COLUMN_COUNT)
public void mark(int number);

// pre: true
// part of post: rv == ((getEntry(1, 1) == number) || (getEntry(1, 2) == number) ||
// ... || (getEntry(1, COLUMN_COUNT) == number) ||
// (getEntry(2, 1) == number) || (getEntry(2, 2) == number) ||
// ... || (getEntry(2, COLUMN_COUNT) == number) ||
// ... (getEntry(ROW_COUNT, 1) == number) || (getEntry(ROW_COUNT, 2) == number) ||
// ... || (getEntry(ROW_COUNT, COLUMN_COUNT) == number))
public boolean contains(int number);

//part of pre: 1 <= row <= ROW_COUNT
//part of pre: 1 <= column <= COLUMN_COUNT
public boolean isMarked(int row, int column);

//pre: true
//post: left to student
public boolean isWinner();


public class BingoCardUtils_Skeleton
public static boolean areEqual(BingoCard bingoCard1, BingoCard bingoCard2)
throw new RuntimeException("NOT IMPLEMENTED");

//part of pre: rv != null
//part of post: rv != bingoCard
public static BingoCard copy(BingoCard bingoCard)
throw new RuntimeException("NOT IMPLEMENTED");

//part of pre: bingoCardSet != null
//part of pre: !bingoCardSet.contains(null)
//part of pre: bingoCard in bingoCardSet ==> markCount(bingoCard) == 1
//part of pre: 0 <= bingoCardNumbersNoDuplicates.length <= 75
//part of pre: bingoCardNumbersNoDuplicates doesn't have duplicates
//part of post: rv != null
//part of post: bingoCard in rv ==> markCount(bingoCard) == 1
public static Set< BingoCard> getProjectedWinners(Set< BingoCard> bingoCardSet, int[] bingoCardNumbersNoDuplicates)
throw new RuntimeException("NOT IMPLEMENTED");
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