// invertBits
// Description:Accepts a pointer of size uint32_t and inverts
// Each bit of the input data passed
// Preconditions:input argument is passed as a pointer
// Postconditions:The inverted value is returned in the pointer
// Calls: N/A
// Called by: main
void invertBits(uint32_t *intData)
// writeinBinary
// Description: Prints the argument passed in Binary -for example if 15 is passed
// it will print 00000000000000000000000000001111
// Preconditions:
// Postconditions:
// Calls: N/A
// Called by: main
void writeinBinary(uint32_t inData)
//* setBit
//* Description: The function sets the bit in the specified bit position in an to the specifid value.
//* Preconditions: Value can be a 1 or 0. bitPosition will be between 0 and 31 (for integer size argument)
//* Postconditions: The bit of *inData at position biPosition will be set to value
//* Calls: N/A
//* Called by: main
void setBit(uint32_t *inData, uint32_t bitPosition, uint32_t value)
//* hammingDistance
//* Description: Function hammingDistance calculates total number of bits
//* that need to be inverted in order to change inData1 into inData2 or vice versa.
//* Preconditions: The function accepts two unsigned integers as input
//* Postconditions: The function returns the hamming distance
// Calls: N/A
// Called by: main
int hammingDistance(uint32_t inData1, uint32_t inData2)