Part 1: To write simple assignment statement. To declare variables. To code well-known formula for converting temperature.
Part 2: To demonstrate implicit and explicit type conversions.
NOTE: Advanced students: Do NOT write or use a function.
*** The student will be responsible for looking up the formula AND correctly coding the formula as an expression statement in the program. ***
[Hint: Use copy and paste and just change the value (number) for Fahrenheit with an assignment statement.]
Write a program which will print -10, 0, 10, 20, 30 Fahrenheit and use the formula to convert the values to centigrade:
1.Creates identifiers (variables) called centigrade and Fahrenheit.
2.Assigns the values of -10, 0, 10, 20, 30 to the variable Fahrenheit.
3.Uses an expression to find the equivalent value for that temperature in centigrade.
4.Use a table and prints the Fahrenheit followed by the degrees centigrade.
The output of the program will look like this:
99 celcius Firstname LastName
Fahrenheit centigrade
-5 -20.5556
15 -9.444444
Notes: CHECK your answers for being correct!
To you may type extra spaces or use a tab character: t
// Example of a tab
printf("Left t Rightn");
// ^ tab will be more than one space
Part 2: Given the following code.
Part A. Write the combinations of the division of two numbers. Check your answers with a calculator.
Part B. When the answer is wrong, use Explicit cast (page 118) to fix the wrong answers.
// declare variables
int iNum1; // an integer number
int iNum2; // a second integer number
int iAnswer; // answer as integer
float fNum1; // a real number
float fNum2; // a second real number
float fAnswer; // answer as a real number
// Initialize the variables
iNum1 = 3;
iNum2 = 5;
fNum1 = 4.2;
fNum2 = 7.6;
// A. Write assignment statements for all of the combinations
// of dividing the numbers and assigning to the answers
// to either an integer answer or a float answer
// print the results
// *************************************************
// Combination 1: integer = integer / integer
// student writes expression statement below this line:
printf("1. Integer %i is the answer when dividing Integer %i by Integer %inn", iAnswer, iNum1, iNum2);
// *************************************************
// *************************************************
// Combination 2: float = integer / integer
printf("2. Real %f is the answer when dividing Integer %i by Integer %inn", fAnswer, iNum1, iNum2);
// *************************************************
// *************************************************
// Combination 3: integer = float / integer
printf("3. Integer %i is the answer when dividing float %f by Integer %inn", iAnswer, fNum1, iNum2);
// *************************************************
// *************************************************
// Combination 4: float = float / integer
// Student writes both the expression statement and the
// print statement below this line:
// *************************************************
// *************************************************
// Combination 5: integer = float / float
// *************************************************
// *************************************************
// Combination 6: float = float / float
// *************************************************
// Using a calculator, check your answers.
// For any answer that is wrong, fix the assignment statement
// by using Explicit cast
// B. Fix of assignment statements