Using strDate and strPerson, as below, create an application (using the C programming language) that contains an array of six people using the data below.
struct strDate
int nDay;
int nMnth;
int nYear;
struct strPerson
char arcFirstName[50];
char arcLastName[50];
char cSex;
struct strDate strDOB;
struct strDate strStartDate;
David, Hodgkiss, M, 13/5/1964, 01/09/2001.
Person 2
James, McCarren, M, 18/6/1966, 01/09/1990.
Person 3
Umar, Raza, M, 4/9/1972, 05/12/2013.
Person 4
John, Cox, M, 12/12/1983, 07/11/2009.
Person 5
Tracy, Lewis, F, 3/2/78, 2/7/1982.
Person 6
Ada, Lovelace, F, 10/12/1815, 00/00/00. /* Why “00/00/00”? */
Please note: all these dates are false except for one. Can you determine which is the correct date?
The programme should offer a menu system and provide the following search facilities.
Note: the structure definitions should be contained within a header file (.h).
Give your files suitable names.