Write a main program to exercise your Chicken class. This main program will use an array of 10 Chicken objects. The chickens will have laid 0, 1, 2,…, 9 eggs respectively. The chickens will weigh 3, 3.2, 3.4,...,4.8 kilograms respectively. The first 5 chickens will be in solitary confinement (position=CONFINED), otherwise they will be on the FARM. Every chicken will have attempted to escape once, however the first 2 chickens have attempted to escape 10 times. Finally, the program should output the attributes for the 10 chickens.
Bonus: compare the chickens to see if any chickens have attempted the same number of escapes and are currently in solitary confinement, i.e., use the operator overloaded function. If so, output which chickens matched, and their attributes using the appropriate outputAll method already written.