You will design a program that manages the inventory of an electronics store. You will need to use a number of concepts that you learned in class including: use of classes, use of dictionaries and input and output of comma delimeted csv files.
Example ManufacturerList.csv, PriceList.csv and ServiceDatesList.csv are provided for reference. Your code will be expected to work with any group input files of the appropriate format. Manufacturers can and will likely be different as will the actual items.
Required Output:
Processed Inventory Reports:
a. FullInventory.csv -- all the items listed by row with all their information . The items should be sorted alphabetically by manufacturer. Each row should contain item ID, manufacturer name, item type, price, service date, and list if it is damaged. The item attributes must appear in this order.
b. Item type Inventory list, i.e LaptopInventory.csv -- there should be a file for each item type and the item type needs to be in the file name. Each row of the file should contain item ID, manufacturer name, price, service date, and list if it is damaged. The items should be sorted by their item ID.
c. PastServiceDateInventory.csv - all the items that are past the service date on the day the program is actually executed. Each row should contain: item ID, manufacturer name, item type, price, service date, and list if it is damaged. The items must appear in the order of service date from oldest to most recent.
d. DamagedInventory.csv -all items that are damaged. Each row should contain : item ID, manufacturer name, item type, price, and service date. The items must appear in the order of most expensive to least expensive.