Multiplication and Accumulation, summarizing Chapters 1-4. Create a C# windows form summarizing key concepts from Chapters 1-4 and the corresponding lectures. Use the enclosed .exe as an example and create a program that looks and functions similarly (use these instructions even if the example .exe differs slightly). Be sure to refer to the general programming guidelines listed above. Name project:
MultiAndAccum - Your Name
This program will multiply two numbers entered into each of the two Text Boxes and display the Results in a Label. Also accumulate the Results. Upon clicking of the Calculate button:
a) Validate that numbers are entered into each text box, using TryParse()
b) If a non-numeric value is entered into either Text Box, display an error message
c) Otherwise, multiply the values entered into the Text Boxes
d) Display the resulting answer in the result Label on the Form
e) Accumulate the total of the Results so far, add the current calculated Result to the Running Total of Results so Far and display the new Running Total
f) Add a condition: if the running total is less than or equal to zero, highlight the running total label field with a orange background, otherwise set it to a blue background
g) include a Clear All button that clears all fields and resets the running total value and running total background color on the form and resets the accumulator variable.