1. Overview

In this project you will:

  • Implement a linked-list data structure,
  • Use dynamic memory allocation to create new objects,
  • Practice using C++ class syntax,
  • Practice object-oriented thinking.

2. Background

Forensic science is a critical element of the criminal justice system. Forensic scientists examine and analyze evidence from crime scenes and elsewhere to develop objective findings that can assist in the investigation and prosecution of perpetrators of crime or absolve an innocent person from suspicion.

Common forensic science laboratory disciplines include forensic molecular biology (DNA), forensic chemistry, trace evidence examination (hairs and fibers, paints and polymers, glass, soil, etc.), latent fingerprint examination, firearms and toolmarks examination, handwriting analysis, fire and explosives examinations, forensic toxicology, and digital evidence.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms. Most DNA molecules consist of two strands coiled around each other to form a double helix. The two DNA strands are termed polynucleotides since they are composed of simpler monomer units called nucleotides. The nucleotides for DNA are made up of four bases - adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T).

DNA sequencing is the process of determining the precise order of nucleotides within a DNA molecule. The four nucleotides (G, C, A, T) are paired. This means that if one strand of the DNA has a G, the other strand will have a C. If one strand has an A, the other strand will have a T (and vice-versa). If you have just one of the strands, you have the leading strand. If you have both strands, each pair of nucleotides is called a base pair. Base pairs will always be (A+T, T+A, G+C, or C+G). We will be using several DNA sequences (without the pair) for this project.

This project will focus on DNA profiling. DNA profiling is the process where a specific DNA pattern, called a profile, is obtained from a person or sample of bodily tissue. We will be comparing suspect's DNA profile with evidence DNA profiles to see if there is a match.

Figure 1. DNA Sequence Vocabulary: see image.

For this project, we are going to make a linked list out of our DNA sequence. There will be two or more DNA sequences for each forensic case. Each case will be comprised on types of DNA sequences: 1. Suspect's DNA sequence and 2. Evidence DNA sequence. Our primary job is to evaluate if a specific suspect sequence matches an evidence sequence.

3. Assignment Description

Your assignment is to build an application that will compare suspect and evidence DNA sequences.

1. You must use the function prototypes as outlined in the DNA.h and Sequencer.h header file. Do not edit the header files.

2. There are several input files to test including proj3_case1.txt, proj3_case2.txt, proj3_case3.txt, and proj3_case4.txt. There may be more added later to test additional edge cases. There is no defined maximum number of suspects or evidence and no defined length of the sequence itself. Do not hard code any lengths in this project. Figure 2 below shows an example input file although it could have many suspects and many evidence sequences.

Figure 2. Input File Example: see image.

3. The DNA is the linked list in this project. The insert and getters are straightforward but the ReverseSequence and CompareSequence are challenging.

4. All user inputs will be assumed to be the correct data type. For example, if you ask the user for an integer, they will provide an integer.

5. Regardless of the sample output below, all user input must be validated. If you ask for a number between 1 and 5 with the user entering an 8, the user should be re-prompted.

4. Requirements:

Initially, you will have to use the following files DNA.h, Sequencer.h, makefile, proj3.cpp, and four input files (proj3_case1.txt, proj3_case2.txt, proj3_case3.txt and proj3_case4.txt).

  • The project must be completed in C++. You may not use any libraries or data structures that we have not learned in class. No breaks (except in switch statements), continues, or exit(). Libraries we have learned include < iostream >, < fstream >, < iomanip >, < vector >, < cstdlib >, < time.h >, < cmath >, < list >,and < string >. You should only use namespace std.
  • You must use the function prototypes as outlined in the DNA.h and Sequencer.h header file. Do not edit the header files or proj1.cpp. Do not add functions or constants in the header files. You need to code DNA.cpp, and Sequencer.cpp.
  • The DNA is the one linked list class for this project. Here are some general descriptions of each of the functions:
    • DNA() - The constructor creates a new empty linked list. Name is your choice. m_head is nullptr, m_tail is nullptr, and m_size = 0;
    • DNA(string name) - The constructor creates a new empty linked list. m_name is passed. m_head is nullptr, m_tail is nullptr, and m_size = 0;
    • ~DNA() - The destructor de-allocates any dynamically allocated memory.
    • InsertEnd(char data) - Inserts a dynamically allocated node to the end of the linked list. Populated with a single nucleotide.
    • GetName() and GetSize() - Returns m_name and m_size respectively.
    • ReverseSequence() - Reverses the entire DNA sequence. Can be from m_suspects or m_evidence. Do not create a new DNA (tricky to get rid of memory leaks). Look at the Linked List slides (at the end) Don't forget to populate m_tail and m_size.
    • CompareSequence() - Iterates through a DNA to see if the passed DNA sequences exists in this sequence. Hint: You will almost certainly have to have a nested loop for this!
  • The Sequencer class manages the application and the DNA sequences from Sequencer.h.
    • Sequencer () - The constructor sets the file name and calls ReadFile then MainMenu.
    • ~Sequencer() - The destructor deallocates each DNA sequence in both vectors.
    • LoadFile() - Opens the passenger data file passed from proj3.cpp. Input file alternates type of input (suspect or evidence) and a sequence of characters. Pay attention to the pattern each linked list is two lines (string ->line break then string->line break). The first string is the name (Suspect1 for example) and the second string is the entire DNA sequence with each character having a comma in between them. The number of sequences is not defined. The number of nucleotides in the sequence is not defined.
    • MainMenu() - Offers the user options of displaying the sequences, reverse sequences, checking suspects, or exiting.
    • DisplayStrands() - Uses the overloaded << operator to display each strand in both vectors.
    • ReverseSequence() - Asks the user which type of sequence they would like to reverse and reverses it. Both sequences in m_suspect and m_evidence can be reversed.
    • CheckSuspects() - Compares each of the suspect's DNA sequences with each evidence DNA sequence. Indicates if they match. If there are multiple evidence sequences, it indicates if a suspects DNA sequence includes all of the evidence DNA sequences. For our project, evidence DNA sequences are always shorter than the suspects DNA sequence. Figure 3 shows an example of Suspect2 matching Evidence1. It is possible that an evidence DNA sequence will appear in more than one suspect DNA sequence.

Figure 3. Showing Suspect2 matching Evidence1: see image.

5. Optional Extra Credit

Once you have completed the project using two separate vectors (m_suspects and m_evidence), you can optionally reprogram Sequencer.h and Sequencer.cpp using just one vector named m_dna. The project should have the same functionality as the base project except that there can only be one vector in Sequencer named m_dna.

To earn the extra credit for this project, you cannot change DNA.h or DNA.cpp at all. The extra credit has the same requirements as the normal project submission including no memory leaks.

6. Sample Input and Output

A normal run of the compiled code would look like this with user input highlighted in blue:

valgrind ./proj3 proj3_case1.txt
==2155933== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2155933== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2155933== Using Valgrind-3.16.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2155933== Command: ./proj3 proj3_case1.txt

***DNA Profiler***

Opened File
2 strands loaded.
What would you like to do?:
1. Display Strand
2. Reverse Sequence
3. Check Suspects
4. Exit
Suspect 1
C -> C -> G -> A -> C -> G -> A -> G -> G -> T -> C -> T -> A -> A -> T -> T -> T -> G -> C -> A -> G -> G -> T -> C -> C -> T -> C -> T -> A -> G -> END
Evidence 1
A -> A -> T -> T -> T -> G -> C -> A -> G -> END
What would you like to do?:
1. Display Strand
2. Reverse Sequence
3. Check Suspects
4. Exit
Checking all suspects vs evidence
Suspect 1 matches Evidence 1
Suspect 1 matches ALL Evidence!
What would you like to do?:
1. Display Strand
2. Reverse Sequence
3. Check Suspects
4. Exit
Which type of sequence to reverse?
1. Suspect
2. Evidence
Done reversing Evidence 1's sequence.
What would you like to do?:
1. Display Strand
2. Reverse Sequence
3. Check Suspects
4. Exit
Suspect 1
C -> C -> G -> A -> C -> G -> A -> G -> G -> T -> C -> T -> A -> A -> T -> T -> T -> G -> C -> A -> G -> G -> T -> C -> C -> T -> C -> T -> A -> G -> END
Evidence 1
G -> A -> C -> G -> T -> T -> T -> A -> A -> END
What would you like to do?:
1. Display Strand
2. Reverse Sequence
3. Check Suspects
4. Exit
Checking all suspects vs evidence
Suspect 1 does NOT match Evidence 1
What would you like to do?:
1. Display Strand
2. Reverse Sequence
3. Check Suspects
4. Exit
DNA removed from memory
Deleting Suspects
Deleting Evidence
==2155933== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2155933== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2155933== total heap usage: 49 allocs, 49 frees, 84,228 bytes allocated
==2155933== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==2155933== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2155933== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
[me@linux6 proj3]$

Here is a longer example run where there are six suspect DNA sequences and two evidence DNA sequences. It shows what happens when

make val4
valgrind ./proj3 proj3_case4.txt
==2156330== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2156330== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2156330== Using Valgrind-3.16.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2156330== Command: ./proj3 proj3_case4.txt

***DNA Profiler***

Opened File
8 strands loaded.
What would you like to do?:
1. Display Strand
2. Reverse Sequence
3. Check Suspects
4. Exit
Suspect 1
G -> T -> A -> A -> T -> T -> A -> A -> T -> G -> T -> T -> T -> T -> A -> G -> T -> A -> A -> T -> A -> C -> G -> T -> A -> T -> T -> A -> G -> A -> C -> A -> C -> G -> C -> T -> G -> G -> G -> C -> G -> A -> C -> C -> G -> G -> A -> G -> A -> C -> T -> T -> G -> C -> C -> T -> T -> C -> C -> C -> A -> C -> T -> C -> A -> C -> C -> G -> T -> A -> T -> A -> T -> T -> G -> T -> C -> T -> C -> A -> C -> T -> T -> C -> C -> C -> T -> C -> G -> G -> C -> A -> G -> T -> T -> G -> G -> A -> A -> T -> G -> T -> G -> C -> A -> T -> C -> G -> C -> G -> T -> C -> C -> G -> C -> A -> G -> G -> T -> T -> T -> A -> T -> C -> G -> T -> A -> C -> T -> C -> T -> C -> A -> T -> A -> T -> G -> C -> A -> C -> A -> T -> C -> A -> A -> A -> G -> A -> G -> A -> T -> T -> T -> G -> T -> G -> A -> C -> A -> A -> T -> C -> G -> T -> C -> T -> T -> A -> A -> A -> T -> C -> T -> T -> T -> C -> T -> G -> T -> C -> A -> T -> C -> T -> A -> T -> T -> C -> T -> C -> T -> C -> A -> T -> A -> T -> G -> T -> G -> T -> G -> A -> T -> T -> C -> A -> A -> C -> C -> C -> A -> T -> G -> G -> G -> T -> A -> A -> A -> G -> C -> T -> A -> T -> T -> C -> C -> T -> A -> G -> T -> A -> G -> G -> C -> C -> G -> G -> G -> C -> T -> A -> C -> C -> C -> T -> G -> T -> T -> C -> A -> A -> C -> G -> C -> A -> G -> A -> C -> C -> G -> G -> A -> A -> C -> C -> A -> A -> G -> A -> C -> T -> C -> T -> T -> C -> T -> T -> C -> C -> T -> T -> G -> G -> A -> A -> T -> C -> C -> T -> A -> T -> C -> A -> G -> C -> A -> A -> A -> A -> T -> A -> A -> END
Suspect 2
A -> C -> C -> A -> A -> A -> T -> G -> C -> G -> T -> G -> T -> T -> A -> G -> G -> T -> A -> G -> C -> G -> G -> T -> A -> T -> C -> A -> T -> A -> C -> A -> C -> T -> C -> T -> T -> C -> T -> A -> C -> T -> A -> T -> C -> G -> G -> T -> T -> G -> T -> G -> C -> A -> A -> G -> T -> G -> G -> G -> T -> C -> T -> G -> T -> G -> G -> C -> C -> T -> G -> G -> A -> T -> A -> G -> C -> A -> G -> A -> C -> G -> G -> T -> A -> G -> T -> G -> C -> T -> A -> C -> T -> C -> C -> G -> T -> G -> G -> G -> T -> A -> G -> T -> G -> T -> C -> T -> T -> C -> A -> A -> C -> C -> G -> G -> T -> G -> C -> C -> A -> T -> G -> C -> G -> G -> C -> A -> T -> T -> G -> T -> A -> A -> T -> C -> A -> A -> A -> T -> T -> C -> C -> C -> C -> A -> T -> C -> C -> G -> A -> A -> T -> A -> A -> A -> C -> T -> A -> G -> T -> A -> T -> G -> T -> T -> T -> G -> G -> G -> T -> G -> C -> A -> A -> C -> T -> T -> G -> C -> G -> T -> A -> G -> T -> A -> C -> T -> A -> C -> T -> T -> A -> G -> C -> C -> A -> C -> A -> C -> T -> C -> G -> G -> A -> G -> A -> T -> A -> T -> G -> A -> G -> G -> G -> T -> G -> A -> G -> C -> G -> T -> A -> A -> A -> T -> C -> A -> G -> A -> T -> C -> G -> T -> C -> C -> A -> A -> A -> G -> G -> A -> A -> A -> G -> G -> G -> G -> A -> C -> A -> G -> C -> A -> A -> A -> T -> T -> G -> A -> T -> G -> C -> G -> A -> G -> C -> G -> T -> G -> T -> G -> C -> G -> G -> G -> T -> T -> A -> C -> C -> A -> C -> C -> C -> G -> G -> G -> G -> A -> T -> A -> G -> G -> A -> T -> A -> T -> T -> A -> T -> A -> G -> END
Suspect 3
T -> T -> A -> G -> A -> G -> A -> G -> T -> C -> T -> A -> G -> C -> T -> A -> G -> A -> T -> A -> T -> C -> C -> T -> C -> T -> T -> T -> C -> A -> G -> A -> T -> G -> A -> T -> A -> C -> T -> G -> G -> A -> T -> T -> C -> G -> C -> C -> T -> T -> T -> A -> T -> T -> C -> C -> C -> C -> A -> C -> C -> A -> T -> T -> C -> T -> G -> C -> T -> A -> C -> A -> A -> C -> G -> T -> C -> A -> G -> T -> T -> G -> T -> T -> A -> C -> G -> G -> G -> C -> T -> T -> A -> C -> A -> A -> A -> C -> C -> A -> A -> G -> A -> T -> C -> A -> A -> G -> C -> A -> A -> G -> T -> A -> T -> T -> A -> T -> G -> T -> G -> T -> A -> T -> T -> C -> G -> G -> G -> G -> G -> C -> C -> T -> T -> G -> A -> C -> C -> G -> G -> G -> G -> C -> A -> C -> A -> T -> T -> C -> C -> T -> C -> G -> C -> C -> A -> A -> C -> T -> T -> G -> A -> T -> T -> C -> G -> C -> G -> A -> T -> G -> T -> A -> T -> A -> T -> T -> T -> G -> G -> T -> T -> A -> T -> T -> G -> T -> C -> C -> A -> G -> G -> T -> C -> G -> C -> T -> G -> A -> G -> A -> A -> G -> G -> A -> C -> T -> G -> G -> T -> G -> C -> T -> C -> G -> C -> G -> G -> C -> T -> C -> C -> C -> A -> T -> C -> A -> A -> A -> G -> G -> T -> C -> T -> G -> T -> A -> T -> C -> A -> T -> A -> G -> A -> C -> A -> G -> A -> T -> T -> T -> G -> G -> A -> C -> C -> T -> C -> T -> C -> G -> G -> T -> T -> C -> C -> A -> A -> G -> C -> A -> G -> T -> A -> T -> C -> T -> G -> T -> T -> G -> G -> T -> C -> G -> T -> A -> A -> C -> T -> C -> A -> A -> A -> G -> T -> T -> G -> G -> T -> G -> A -> END
Suspect 4
C -> T -> A -> T -> G -> T -> A -> A -> A -> C -> G -> A -> G -> T -> C -> G -> T -> C -> A -> G -> T -> C -> G -> T -> A -> T -> C -> C -> A -> A -> T -> C -> C -> C -> C -> T -> C -> G -> A -> G -> C -> T -> C -> A -> C -> G -> A -> G -> G -> T -> G -> C -> G -> A -> G -> A -> G -> A -> T -> T -> T -> C -> A -> G -> T -> G -> C -> A -> G -> A -> G -> C -> T -> G -> C -> A -> A -> T -> T -> G -> C -> A -> A -> T -> C -> A -> T -> A -> G -> T -> T -> T -> G -> T -> A -> C -> T -> C -> A -> A -> C -> C -> C -> A -> G -> A -> A -> G -> T -> C -> T -> T -> T -> C -> C -> C -> T -> G -> A -> G -> T -> T -> T -> C -> C -> G -> C -> C -> T -> A -> A -> C -> A -> C -> A -> A -> G -> G -> C -> G -> C -> C -> T -> G -> G -> C -> A -> T -> T -> T -> C -> C -> C -> A -> A -> A -> C -> G -> C -> G -> T -> G -> A -> T -> A -> C -> T -> C -> G -> T -> C -> G -> G -> A -> C -> G -> C -> C -> G -> A -> C -> T -> C -> C -> C -> A -> C -> T -> A -> A -> A -> G -> T -> C -> A -> G -> T -> A -> T -> T -> A -> T -> A -> T -> G -> C -> C -> T -> G -> G -> G -> T -> T -> C -> A -> A -> G -> A -> T -> G -> G -> A -> A -> G -> A -> A -> G -> A -> C -> T -> A -> A -> T -> C -> G -> G -> C -> C -> T -> C -> T -> C -> G -> A -> T -> G -> C -> G -> G -> T -> G -> C -> A -> A -> T -> A -> G -> C -> G -> A -> A -> C -> A -> A -> T -> G -> G -> C -> A -> A -> C -> T -> A -> T -> G -> C -> T -> C -> G -> T -> G -> T -> C -> C -> C -> A -> A -> G -> C -> C -> G -> A -> A -> G -> C -> A -> T -> A -> C -> C -> T -> A -> A -> END
Suspect 5
T -> C -> A -> G -> A -> G -> T -> T -> C -> A -> G -> A -> T -> C -> C -> T -> T -> G -> C -> G -> T -> T -> T -> T -> T -> T -> G -> C -> T -> T -> A -> C -> C -> A -> C -> C -> G -> A -> C -> C -> A -> T -> C -> G -> T -> A -> C -> C -> C -> G -> A -> T -> T -> T -> G -> T -> T -> A -> T -> A -> T -> G -> T -> T -> G -> G -> A -> G -> C -> A -> A -> A -> A -> C -> A -> C -> T -> T -> A -> A -> G -> G -> C -> C -> G -> G -> T -> C -> T -> T -> A -> T -> T -> A -> G -> A -> A -> C -> G -> A -> C -> A -> C -> G -> C -> G -> G -> G -> T -> G -> T -> A -> C -> A -> C -> A -> A -> C -> A -> G -> G -> T -> G -> C -> A -> C -> G -> C -> C -> G -> C -> C -> T -> A -> C -> C -> T -> T -> A -> T -> C -> A -> C -> A -> A -> C -> G -> T -> T -> C -> C -> T -> T -> T -> C -> A -> G -> G -> T -> A -> G -> C -> T -> T -> C -> G -> G -> C -> G -> C -> T -> C -> T -> C -> A -> C -> T -> C -> T -> G -> C -> T -> A -> T -> T -> A -> T -> G -> T -> C -> C -> C -> T -> C -> T -> T -> C -> C -> G -> A -> C -> A -> C -> G -> T -> T -> G -> G -> A -> A -> A -> T -> T -> C -> C -> G -> A -> G -> T -> G -> C -> A -> G -> T -> T -> A -> A -> A -> G -> A -> G -> C -> A -> A -> C -> G -> T -> T -> T -> A -> A -> C -> T -> A -> T -> G -> G -> C -> C -> G -> T -> T -> G -> A -> C -> G -> G -> A -> T -> A -> T -> G -> T -> C -> A -> T -> T -> C -> C -> G -> C -> C -> T -> G -> T -> G -> C -> A -> C -> A -> A -> G -> G -> C -> C -> C -> A -> G -> T -> T -> A -> A -> T -> G -> T -> C -> A -> C -> G -> C -> T -> A -> G -> END
Suspect 6
T -> G -> T -> A -> T -> T -> G -> A -> T -> C -> T -> A -> T -> A -> C -> A -> G -> C -> G -> C -> G -> C -> G -> A -> A -> C -> A -> C -> G -> C -> G -> T -> G -> A -> A -> G -> C -> T -> C -> C -> A -> T -> A -> G -> C -> G -> A -> A -> C -> A -> A -> T -> G -> G -> C -> A -> A -> A -> C -> T -> T -> C -> A -> G -> C -> A -> C -> T -> C -> G -> G -> A -> C -> G -> T -> A -> C -> C -> A -> T -> G -> T -> G -> T -> A -> G -> G -> G -> C -> C -> A -> A -> G -> C -> T -> A -> A -> G -> G -> T -> T -> A -> T -> A -> T -> C -> T -> T -> A -> G -> G -> T -> G -> C -> C -> G -> T -> A -> T -> A -> A -> G -> G -> C -> G -> A -> G -> C -> C -> G -> T -> T -> T -> G -> G -> C -> C -> A -> A -> A -> C -> C -> T -> T -> T -> G -> G -> G -> G -> C -> T -> G -> T -> A -> A -> A -> A -> G -> T -> A -> T -> C -> A -> C -> A -> C -> G -> T -> G -> G -> T -> T -> C -> T -> C -> T -> T -> G -> G -> C -> A -> C -> T -> C -> G -> A -> A -> G -> T -> A -> C -> G -> G -> C -> A -> C -> C -> G -> C -> T -> A -> C -> A -> G -> G -> A -> A -> A -> A -> C -> C -> A -> T -> A -> A -> A -> T -> C -> T -> C -> G -> G -> G -> C -> G -> C -> T -> A -> T -> C -> A -> G -> C -> C -> C -> G -> A -> C -> C -> G -> T -> G -> G -> C -> T -> G -> A -> C -> A -> T -> T -> G -> T -> C -> C -> T -> C -> A -> G -> T -> G -> A -> A -> T -> C -> T -> A -> A -> T -> A -> G -> G -> T -> T -> G -> C -> A -> A -> G -> A -> A -> T -> G -> T -> C -> G -> T -> C -> A -> G -> T -> C -> G -> T -> A -> T -> C -> C -> A -> A -> T -> G -> A -> END
Evidence 1
A -> A -> T -> A -> G -> C -> G -> A -> A -> C -> A -> A -> T -> G -> G -> C -> A -> A -> END
Evidence 2
G -> T -> C -> G -> T -> C -> A -> G -> T -> C -> G -> T -> A -> T -> C -> C -> A -> A -> END
What would you like to do?:
1. Display Strand
2. Reverse Sequence
3. Check Suspects
4. Exit
Checking all suspects vs evidence
Suspect 1 does NOT match Evidence 1
Suspect 1 does NOT match Evidence 2
Suspect 2 does NOT match Evidence 1
Suspect 2 does NOT match Evidence 2
Suspect 3 does NOT match Evidence 1
Suspect 3 does NOT match Evidence 2
Suspect 4 matches Evidence 1
Suspect 4 matches Evidence 2
Suspect 4 matches ALL Evidence!
Suspect 5 does NOT match Evidence 1
Suspect 5 does NOT match Evidence 2
Suspect 6 does NOT match Evidence 1
Suspect 6 matches Evidence 2
What would you like to do?:
1. Display Strand
2. Reverse Sequence
3. Check Suspects
4. Exit
DNA removed from memory
Deleting Suspects
Deleting Evidence
==2156330== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2156330== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==2156330== total heap usage: 1,874 allocs, 1,874 frees, 114,278 bytes allocated
==2156330== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==2156330== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==2156330== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

Starter Codes


#ifndef DNA_H
#define DNA_H


using namespace std;

struct Node
char m_data;
Node *m_next;

class DNA
// Name: DNA() - Default Constructor
// Desc: Used to build a new DNA sequence
// Preconditions: None
// Postconditions: Creates a new DNA where m_head and m_tail point to nullptr

// Name: DNA(string) - Overloaded Constructor
// Desc: Used to build a new DNA sequence with the name passed
// Preconditions: None
// Postconditions: Creates a new DNA where m_head and m_tail point to nullptr and name is passed

// Name: ~DNA() - Destructor
// Desc: Used to destruct a strand of DNA
// Preconditions: There is an existing DNA strand with at least one node
// Postconditions: DNA is deallocated (including all dynamically allocated nodes)
// to have no memory leaks!

// Name: InsertEnd
// Preconditions: Takes in a char. Creates new node.
// Requires a DNA strand
// Postconditions: Adds the new node to the end of the DNA strand.
void InsertEnd(char data);

// Name: GetName()
// Preconditions: Requires a DNA sequence
// Postconditions: Returns m_name;
string GetName();

// Name: GetSize()
// Preconditions: Requires a DNA sequence
// Postconditions: Returns m_size;
int GetSize();

// Name: ReverseSequence
// Preconditions: Reverses the DNA sequence
// Postconditions: DNA sequence is reversed in place; nothing returned
void ReverseSequence();

// Name: CompareSequence
// Preconditions: Requires two DNA sequence (suspect and passed evidence DNA)
// Postconditions: Returns true if evidence sequence exists; else false
bool CompareSequence(DNA &evidence);

// Name: GetData
// Desc: Returns the data at a specific location in the DNA sequence
// Preconditions: Requires a DNA sequence
// Postconditions: Returns a single char from a node
char GetData(int nodeNum);

// Name: operator<<
// Desc: Overloaded << operator to return ostream from DNA
// Preconditions: Requires a DNA sequence
// Postconditions: Returns ostream populated from each node
friend ostream &operator<< (ostream &output, DNA &myDNA);
string m_name; //Name of the DNA (suspect or evidence)
Node *m_head; //Front of the DNA
Node *m_tail; //End of the DNA
int m_size; //Total size of the DNA




#include "DNA.h"

#include < fstream >
#include < string >
#include < iostream >
#include < cstdlib >
#include < vector >

using namespace std;

class Sequencer
// Name: Sequencer (constructor)
// Desc: Creates a Sequencer to hold multiple DNA strands from a file
// Preconditions: None
// Postconditions: A sequencer created to populate m_suspects and m_evidence
Sequencer(string fileName);

// Name: Sequencer (destructor)
// Desc: Deallocates all dynamic aspects of a Sequencer
// Preconditions: There is an existing DNA strand (linked list)
// Postconditions: All vectors are cleared of DNA strands

// Name: DisplayStrands
// Desc: Displays each strand in both m_suspects and m_evidence
// Preconditions: At least one linked list is in either m_suspects or m_evidence
// Postconditions: Displays DNA strand from one of the vectors
void DisplayStrands();

// Name: ReadFile
// Desc: Reads in a file that has the name on one line then the sequence on the next
// All sequences will be an indeterminate length. There are an indeterminate number of
// sequences in a file. Hint: Read in the entire sequence into a string then go char
// by char until you hit a new line break. Then insert to the correct vector
// Preconditions: Valid file name of characters (Either A, T, G, or C)
// Postconditions: Populates each DNA strand and puts in either m_suspects or m_evidence
void ReadFile();

// Name: MainMenu
// Desc: Displays the main menu and manages exiting
// Preconditions: Populated m_suspects and m_evidence
// Postconditions: None
void MainMenu();

// Name: CheckSuspects
// Desc: Iterates through each DNA strand in m_suspects to see if there is a match from
// m_evidence. Displays each suspect strand where the evidence matches
// Preconditions: Populated m_suspects and m_evidence
// Postconditions: Displays each suspect that has a match
void CheckSuspects();

// Name: ReverseSequence
// Desc: User chooses a sequence from m_suspects or m_evidence and the sequence is reversed
// Preconditions: Populated m_suspects and m_evidence
// Postconditions: Reverses a specific sequence replacing in place
void ReverseSequence();

vector< DNA* > m_dna;
string m_fileName; //File to read in



#include "Sequencer.h"
#include < iostream >
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 2)
cout << "You are missing a data file." << endl;
cout << "Expected usage ./proj3 proj3_case1.txt" << endl;
cout << "File 1 should be a file with one or more DNA strands" << endl;
cout << endl << "***DNA Profiler***" << endl << endl;
Sequencer D = Sequencer(argv[1]);

return 0;
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