
In this project you will:

  • Implement a linked-list data structure,
  • Use dynamic memory allocation to create new objects,
  • Practice using C++ class syntax,
  • Practice object-oriented thinking.


For this project, we are going to be designing a simple implementation of the famous Pokemon franchise. If you are not familiar with Pokemon, it is a game where you act as a trainer of pocket monsters (Pokemon). You carefully choose the roster finding the perfect Pokemon to matchup against the computer. Finally, after you build your roster of Pokemon, you can battle them against the computer!

For this project, each node in our linked list is going to be a Pokemon. Each Pokemon has a name, an index, a type, and a type that it is strong against. The name, type, and strong are all strings and the index are an integer.

Our linked list is going to be a little bit special because it is designed to hold and manage Pokemon. We can insert Pokemon into the linked list, we can remove Pokemon from a specific location in our linked list, we can Attack Pokemon, we can Swap Pokemon, and a variety of other things.

Finally, the game itself will allow us to battle our roster of Pokemon against a randomly assigned roster of enemy Pokemon. The skill in this game is to find a preferable roster that can defeat the enemies. Each Pokemon has a strength and identifying that strength is required to defeat the enemies - especially when the enemies are stronger than we are!

3.Assignment Description

Your assignment is to build an application that can allow us to battle two linked lists of Pokemon.

1.The input file will hold some number of Pokemon with the following order: index (int), name (string), type (string), and strong (string).

2.All Pokemon should be inserted at the end of the linked list.

3.The m_list holds all of the Pokemon for the entire game. A pocket is a linked list representing a team. The m_userPocket holds the user's Pokemon and the m_enemyPocket holds the enemy Pokemon.

4.The data file (proj3_data.txt) is loaded via command line argument (included in the provided makefile and proj3.cpp).

Figure 1. Input File Details see image.

5.When a Pokemon is added to either the m_userPocket or m_enemyPocket, it is permantently removed from m_list.

6.The user's pocket will be populated by asking the user to choose Pokemon for their team. After the user has chosen their pocket, the enemys pocket will be randomly populated from the remaining Pokemon.

7.Initially, each Pokemon team (user and enemy) will have 5 Pokemon. As a Pokemon is defeated, it is removed from the team. The battle (and game) ends when there are no Pokemon left on one of the teams.

8.All user inputs will be assumed to be the correct data type. For example, if you ask the user for an integer, they will provide an integer.

9.Regardless of the sample output below, all user input must be validated. If you ask for a number between 1 and 5 with the user entering an 8, the user should be re-prompted.

10.The general game flow:

  • Game constructor - Initializes each of the game variables
  • Game Start - Loads File (populates m_list), Choose user team, and populates enemy team. Calls Battle.
  • Battle - Displays each of the teams initially. Manages each of the rounds of the battle. Allows user to attack, choose a new Pokemon to attack, or forfeit (automatically loses to enemy). Checks to see if either team still has members. The head of the m_userPocket and the m_enemyPocket always fight each other.
  • Upon exit, nothing is saved


Initially, you will have to use the following files Pokemon.h, PokemonList.h, Game.h, makefile, proj3.cpp, and a simple test file. You can copy the files from Prof. Dixon's folder at:


To copy it into your project folder, just navigate to your project 3 folder in your home folder and use the command:

cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/j/d/jdixon/pub/cs202/proj3/* .

Notice the trailing period is required (it says copy it into this folder).

  • The project must be completed in C++. You may not use any libraries or data structures that we have not learned in class. Libraries we have learned include < iostream>, < fstream>, < iomanip>, < cstdlib>, < time.h>, < cmath> and < string>. You should only use namespace std. You should not use vectors in this project.
  • You must use the function prototypes as outlined in the Pokemon.h, PokemonList.h, and Game.h header file. Do not edit the header files. You need to code Pokemon.cpp, PokemonList.cpp, and Game.cpp.
  • The PokemonList is the linked list class for this project. There are three PokemonLists in the game - m_list (which is the list of all Pokemon in the game), m_userPocket (which is the user's team), and m_enemyPocket (which is the computer/enemy team). Here are some general descriptions of each of the functions:
    • PokemonList() - The constructor creates a new empty linked list. m_head is nullptr and m_size is zero.
    • ~PokemonList() - The destructor de-allocates any dynamically allocated memory.
    • InsertEnd() - This inserts a node into the end of the PokemonList. There is no m_tail so you must iterate over the list to the end!
    • Transfer(choice, Pocket) - Transfers a Pokemon from one linked list to another (only m_list to one of the teams in this case). It iterates until the choice is the same as the index of the Pokemon. Creates a new Pokemon and inserts it into the destination linked list (user or enemy pocket). Removes the Pokemon from the source.
    • Remove(choice) - Iterates until the choice is the same as the index of the Pokemon. Removes that Pokemon. Don't forget about the special cases when the nodes are in the beginning, middle or end of the list.
    • GetHead() - Returns the head of the list.
    • GetSize() - Returns the number of nodes in the list.
    • Display() - Displays information about each Pokemon in the list. If the list is empty, it indicates this. Should be formatted and show index, name, type, and health in that order. Something like this: Index: 151 Name: Mew Type: Psychic Health: 9
    • Attack(PokemonList) - Manages each attack from one Pokemon to another. Each Pokemon does extra damage to a target type (this is the strong type).
    • For example, 147,Dratini,Dragon,Electric - in this case, a Dragon type does 5pts of damage to any Pokemon of type Electric.
    • Here are the expected damages:
      Normal Enemy Attack on User = 3pts
      Normal User Attack on Enemy = 2pts
      Attack on a vulnerable Pokemon = 5pts
      Otherwise, updates health on the target Pokemon (user Pokemon attacks first – if user defeats enemy there is no enemy attack).
    • SwapPokemon(PokemonList) - Asks the user to switch a Pokemon from somewhere in their pocket (m_userPocket) to the front of the list. Used to decide who is going to attack next. Be careful - this is kind of tricky! Don’t forget to take into account if the user chooses a Pokemon that is already the head.
    • Exist(choice) - Iterates through the list to see if the choice equals the index of a Pokemon. If the choice matches, return true else return false.
  • The Game class manages the application and populates the various PokemonList. Game.cpp file that are prototyped in Game.h.
    • Game(filename) - The constructor that sets m_filename, dynamically allocates the PokemonList for m_list, m_userPocket, and m_enemyPocket.
    • ~Game() - The destructor de-allocates any dynamically allocated memory (each list).
    • LoadFile()- The LoadFile function loads all of the Pokemon from the source file to m_list. You should not need to use stoi or stod in this function. The index should be an integer and name, type, and strong should each be strings. Default to 9 health.
    • Menu() - Allows the user to choose to attack, swap, or forfeit. Returns the user's choice.
    • Battle() - Displays both the user pocket and the enemy pocket. Then displays information about the Pokemon at the head of both the user pocket and the enemy pocket. Then posts the menu and responds accordingly. If the result of the attack is that a Pokemon is defeated, this function will swap and remove Pokemon for that list. If the userPocket is empty (user loses), return 2. If the enemyPocket is empty (computer loses), return 1.
    • ChooseTeam() - Lists all available Pokemon in m_list and allows the user to choose Pokemon for their team. Transfers each chosen Pokemon to m_userPocket.
    • Start() - Calls LoadFile, ChooseTeam, randomly populates m_enemyPocket from remaining Pokemon and returns result of Battle.

5.Sample Input and Output

5.1.Sample Run

An additional file named proj3_sample1.txt is available in /afs/umbc.edu/users/j/d/jdixon/pub/cs202/proj3

A normal run of the compiled code would look like this with user input highlighted in blue:

[jdixon@linux4 proj3]$ make run
./proj3 proj3_data.txt
Welcome to the game
Here is a list of Pokemon you can choose from:
Index: 1 Name: Bulbasaur Type: Grass Health: 9
Index: 2 Name: Ivysaur Type: Grass Health: 9
**Index 3 to 149 Removed for Space**
Index: 150 Name: Mewtwo Type: Psychic Health: 9
Index: 151 Name: Mew Type: Psychic Health: 9
Pick a Pokemon by enter the index (5 left):

Here is an example where the user is starting a battle and they swap their Pokemon for a better matchup (the real way you win this game!).

Pick a pokemon by enter the index (1 left): 5
Print player pocket
Index: 1 Name: Bulbasaur Type: Grass Health: 9
Index: 2 Name: Ivysaur Type: Grass Health: 9
Index: 3 Name: Venusaur Type: Grass Health: 9
Index: 4 Name: Charmander Type: Fire Health: 9
Index: 5 Name: Charmeleon Type: Fire Health: 9
Print cpu pocket
Index: 143 Name: Snorlax Type: Normal Health: 9
Index: 77 Name: Ponyta Type: Fire Health: 9
Index: 117 Name: Seadra Type: Water Health: 9
Index: 23 Name: Ekans Type: Poison Health: 9
Round 1:
CPU's Pokemon: Snorlax (Normal:9 health)
Your Pokemon: Bulbasaur (Grass:9 health)
1. Attack
2. Swap
3. Forfeit
Which Pokemon would you like to choose? (Enter the index#)
Index: 1 Name: Bulbasaur Type: Grass Health: 9
Index: 2 Name: Ivysaur Type: Grass Health: 9
Index: 3 Name: Venusaur Type: Grass Health: 9
Index: 4 Name: Charmander Type: Fire Health: 9
Index: 5 Name: Charmeleon Type: Fire Health: 9
Round 2:
CPU's Pokemon: Snorlax (Normal:9 health)
Your Pokemon: Charmander (Fire:9 health)
1. Attack
2. Swap
3. Forfeit

Here is an example where the user forfeits.

1. Attack
2. Swap
3. Forfeit
CPU won!!!

Here is an example with some validation.

Round 1:
CPU's Pokemon: Tangela (Grass:9 health)
Your Pokemon: Bulbasaur (Grass:9 health)
1. Attack
2. Swap
3. Forfeit
Please enter a valid choice: 4
Please enter a valid choice: 5
Please enter a valid choice: 2
Which Pokemon would you like to choose? (Enter the index#)
Index: 1 Name: Bulbasaur Type: Grass Health: 9
Index: 23 Name: Ekans Type: Poison Health: 9
Index: 4 Name: Charmander Type: Fire Health: 9
Index: 5 Name: Charmeleon Type: Fire Health: 9
Index: 6 Name: Charizard Type: Fire Health: 9
This is not a valid index, please try again
choice is head
Round 2:
CPU's Pokemon: Tangela (Grass:9 health)
Your Pokemon: Bulbasaur (Grass:9 health)
1. Attack
2. Swap
3. Forfeit

6.Compiling and Running

Because we are using a significant amount of dynamic memory for this project, you are required to manage any memory leaks that might be created. For a linked list, this is most commonly related to the dynamically allocated nodes. Remember, in general, for each item that is dynamically created, it should be deleted using a destructor.

One way to test to make sure that you have successfully removed any of the memory leaks is to use the valgrind command.

Since this project makes extensive use of dynamic memory, it is important that you test your program for memory leaks using valgrind:

valgrind ./proj3

Note: If you accidently use valgrind make run, you may end up with some memory that is still reachable. Do not test this - test using the command above where you include the input file. The makefile should include make val1 (which is ok).

If you have no memory leaks, you should see output like the following:

==5606== HEAP SUMMARY:
==5606== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==5606== total heap usage: 87 allocs, 87 frees, 10,684 bytes allocated
==5606== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==5606== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==5606== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 6)

The important part is "in use at exit: 0 bytes 0 blocks," which tells me all the dynamic memory was deleted before the program exited. If you see anything other than "0 bytes 0 blocks" there is probably an error in one of your destructors. We will evaluate this as part of the grading for this project.

Additional information on valgrind can be found here: http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/quick-start.html

Once you have compiled using your makefile, enter the command ./proj3 to run your program. You can use make val1 to test each of the input files using valgrind (do NOT use valgrind make run!). They have differing sizes. If your executable is not proj3, you will lose points. It should look like the sample output provided above.

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