Computing lore is rich with stories about payroll systems that had been hacked to collect up all of the fractions of pennies and then add them all to one employee's account. While some of these stories are probably gross exaggerations, roundoff errors happen all the time!
Do some Internet research on roundoff errors and programming design techniques to avoid them. Come into this module's discussion and share your favorite technique, and give your rationale for its advantages.
In addition to your favorite technique to handle rounding errors, you should also look back at your Payroll program. Does your Payroll program handle rounding correctly? If it does not, who are you cheating?
If you'd like to use additional resources (such as from the Internet) to help in developing your discussion post, thats great-just be sure to provide proper citation to your source, and use your source, dont just quote from it! Generally speaking, your responses should be two to three paragraphs (about 300 to 400 words).