To complete the implementation of the mystring class, the declaration of which is provided in mystring.h file in Lab 5. The mystring class mimics the behavior of C++ string class.
To find out the behavior of each method to be implemented, we are encour- aged to experiment with the corresponding method in C++ string class or to ask question in class. You may be allowed to use c-style string library func- tions, such as strcpy, in your implementation. However, you should not use C++ string! The reason is that such a class is assumed to be not available and we are going to implement it. Vector should not be used either.
Understand class, member function and field, constructor, operator overloading as member functions or basic functions, memory management, array, and string class. To gain experience and understanding related to how a complex and useful class such as string may be designed and implemented using basic c++ language features, data structures, and algorithms.
The design is provided to us in the two files: mystring.h and mystring.cpp in Lab 5.
Implement the member functions, operators, as well as non-member operators, declared in mystring.h. The implementation goes in mystrng.cpp.
In the main program, demonstrate the functionalities of the implemented func- tions or operators to be similar to that of string class.
A short report about things observed and things learned and understood. The report should also describe the test cases used in the main program and the reasons for each test case selected. Properly document and indent the source code. The source code must include the author name and as well as a synopsis of the file.