seed the random number generator with the current time
ask the user how many cards to display
for each card that you need to display
make sure that each card is displayed on a separate line
display the card value
card value = a random number from 1 to 13
only display the number itself if the value is 2 to 10
display "Ace" for 1, "Jack" for 11, "Queen" for 12, and "King" for 13
display " of "
display a suit
suit value = a random number from 0 to 3
display "Spades" for 0, "Hearts" for 1, "Clubs" for 2, and "Diamonds" for 3
example: Ace of Spades
example: 4 of Clubs
example: Queen of Hearts
example: 10 of Clubs
Problem #2
Write a complete program.
In your program, do the following:
seed the random number generator with the current time
ask the user for a minimum value (integer)
ask the user for a maximum value (integer)
validate that the maximum value is bigger than the minimum value, and keep asking for a new maximum until you get a validate value
tell the user "I am thinking of a number from [min] to [max]." using your actual min and max values (example: "I am thinking of a number from -5 to 20.")
generate a random number in the range from minimum to maximum, including both values
the make rand() generate the maximum you will need to write down some examples on scratch paper and think about what you need to do to make it happen
in a loop
ask the user to guess the value that the computer has picked
if the user's number is right, tell them it is correct and exit the loop
if the user's number is too high, tell them it is too high and repeat the loop
if the user's number is too low, tell them it is too low and repeat the loop
display "Thank you for playing." before you exit the program
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