Write a program called [YourName]-Assignment1B (replace [YourName] with your actual name, no spaces, no square brackets) that reads an integral number x from the console (input from the user), computes the areas of the square ACEG (with side x+x ), the areas of the rectangle ABHG (with length x and height x+x ), the areas of the circle with center E (and radius x ), and outputs the 3 areas to the console (without lines, with 2 decimals precision for the areas values) in the following format from the box below 1 : see image.
This program calculates the area of a square, rectangle, and circle define based on a
value x.
Enter the value for x: ValueForX
The areas are:
Square ValueForTheAreaOfTheSquare
Rectangle ValueForTheAreaOfTheRectangle
Circle ValueForTheAreaOfTheCircle
Your program should be user-friendly (prompt user for input and show a message/explain the output before outputting the numeric value for the area) and programmer-friendly (have comments at the beginning of the code explaining the program and before each line of code explaining what the line is doing).
For example, if the user enters 5 for x, then the output should look like this (without colors or lines):
This program calculates the area of a square, rectangle, and circle define based on a value x.
Enter the value for x: 5
The areas are:
Square 100.00
Rectangle 50.00
Circle 78.50
Create a Microsoft Word document called [YourName]-Assignment1B.docx (replace [YourName] with your name, no spaces) that contains screenshots of your entire C++ code (take multiple screenshots if the code is larger than one screen), and the entire console output (take multiple screenshots if the output is larger than one window).