#include< iostream >
#include< iomanip >
#include< string >
using namespace std;
// Name: getMenuChoice
// Parameters: choice: int, pass by reference so that the user's choice is changed when the function finishes
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: This function sets the parameter's choice value based on the user's integer response
void getMenuChoice(int &choice)
cout << "\nPlease choose an option (1-6): ";
cout << "\n [1] Choose seed type\n [2] Plant seed\n [3] Water Crops\n [4] Harvest & Sell Crops\n";
cout << " [5] Display Garden\n [6] Quit Program\n";
cout << "\nEnter choice: ";
cin >> choice;
while (choice < 1 || choice > 6)
cout << "\nInvalid Choice. Please choose an option (1-6): ";
cout << "\n [1] Choose seed type\n [2] Plant seed\n [3] Water Crops\n [4] Harvest & Sell Crops\n";
cout << " [5] Display Garden\n [6] Quit Program\n";
cout << "\nEnter choice: ";
cin >> choice;
// Name: chooseSeedType
// Parameters: seedType: string, pass by reference so that the type of seed is changed in main
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: This function sets the parameter's type of seed value based on the user's integer response
void chooseSeedType(string &seedType)
int seedNumber;
cout << "\nWhich seeds would you like to plant?\n";
cout << " [1] Potato\n [2] Beet\n [3] Wheat\n [4] Pumpkin\n [5] Tomato\n";
cin >> seedNumber;
while (seedNumber < 1 || seedNumber > 5)
cout << "Enter a valid number between 1 and 5: ";
cin >> seedNumber;
switch (seedNumber)
case 1:
seedType = "Potato";
case 2:
seedType = "Beet";
case 3:
seedType = "Wheat";
case 4:
seedType = "Pumpkin";
case 5:
seedType = "Tomato";
cout << "Error.";
// Name: getYorN
// Parameters: question: string, the Y or N question to ask
// Returns: char: the character the user entered. Must be 'y', 'Y', 'n', or 'N'
// Purpose: This function returns the user's response to a yes/no question
char getYorN(const string question)
char choice;
cout << question << " Enter Y or N: ";
cin >> choice;
choice = toupper(choice);
while (choice != 'Y' && choice != 'N')
cout << "Invalid character. Please enter either (Y) for yes or (N) for no.\n";
cout << question << " Enter Y or N: ";
cin >> choice;
choice = toupper(choice);
return choice;
// Name: setRowPrice
// Parameters: row: integer, pass by value, the current row
// seedType: string, pass by value, the current seed type
// currentPrice: float, pass by reference, the price of the current row
// numSeeds: int, pass by value, the number of seeds to plant
// row1Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the first row
// row2Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the second row
// row3Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the third row
// row4Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the fourth row
// row5Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the fifth row
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: This function gets the price of the whole row and adds it to ONE of the appropriate row cost variables.
void setRowPrice(const int row, const string seedType, float ¤tPrice, const int numSeeds, float &row1Cost,
float &row2Cost, float &row3Cost, float &row4Cost, float &row5Cost)
// Arbitrary prices for each of the seeds
if (seedType == "Potato")
currentPrice = (currentPrice + 4.99) * numSeeds;
else if (seedType == "Beet")
currentPrice = (currentPrice + 3.99) * numSeeds;
else if (seedType == "Wheat")
currentPrice = (currentPrice + 1.99) * numSeeds;
else if (seedType == "Pumpkin")
currentPrice = (currentPrice + 8.99) * numSeeds;
else // Tomato case
currentPrice = (currentPrice + 5.99) * numSeeds;
switch (row)
case 0:
row1Cost += currentPrice;
case 1:
row2Cost += currentPrice;
case 2:
row3Cost += currentPrice;
case 3:
row4Cost += currentPrice;
case 4:
row5Cost += currentPrice;
// Name: plantSeed
// Parameters: currentRow: integer, pass by value, the current row in the garden
// seedType: string, pass by value, the current seed type of the row
// crop1: string, pass by reference, the first row's seed type
// crop2: string, pass by reference, the second row's seed type
// crop3: string, pass by reference, the third row's seed type
// crop4: string, pass by reference, the fourth row's seed type
// crop5: string, pass by reference, the fifth row's seed type
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: This function sets the value for ONE of the appropriate global rowXCrop variable
void plantSeed(const int currentRow, string seedType, string &crop1, string &crop2, string &crop3, string &crop4,
string &crop5)
switch (currentRow)
case 0:
crop1 = seedType;
case 1:
crop2 = seedType;
case 2:
crop3 = seedType;
case 3:
crop4 = seedType;
case 4:
crop5 = seedType;
// Name: waterPlants
// Parameters: rows: integer, pass by reference, the total number of rows planted.
// allWatered: boolean, pass by reference, tells whether or not there is enough space to plant
// Returns: boolean - if true, then the crops are watered
// Purpose: This function sets the allWatered boolean to the appropriate value
bool waterPlants(int &rows, bool &allWatered)
allWatered = false;
if (rows > 0)
allWatered = true;
cout << "\n + . . * + \n";
cout << "* . . * + .\n";
cout << " Crops watered! * +\n";
cout << " . + . + .\n";
cout << " + . * * +\n\n";
return allWatered;
// Name: harvestCrops
// Parameters: crop1: string, pass by value, the first row's seed type.
// crop2: string, pass by value, the second row's seed type.
// crop3: string, pass by value, the third row's seed type.
// crop4: string, pass by value, the fourth row's seed type.
// crop5: string, pass by value, the fifth row's seed type.
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: This function outputs the harvested crops from the garden.
void harvestCrops(const string crop1, const string crop2, const string crop3, const string crop4, const string crop5)
cout << "\n-----------------------------------------";
cout << "\n= Crops Harvested =";
cout << "\n-----------------------------------------\n";
cout << "You harvested: ";
if (crop1 != "NA")
cout << crop1;
if (crop2 != "NA")
cout << ", " << crop2;
if (crop3 != "NA")
cout << ", " << crop3;
if (crop4 != "NA")
cout << ", " << crop4;
if (crop5 != "NA")
cout << ", " << crop5;
cout << endl;
// Name: sellHarvest
// Parameters: row1Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the first row
// row2Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the second row
// row3Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the third row
// row4Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the fourth row
// row5Cost: float, pass by reference, the cost of the fifth row
// Returns: HarvestPrice
// Purpose: This function returns the total value of the whole garden and resets each row's costs
float sellHarvest(float &row1Cost, float &row2Cost, float &row3Cost, float &row4Cost, float &row5Cost)
float harvestPrice = row1Cost + row2Cost + row3Cost + row4Cost + row5Cost;
row1Cost = 0.0;
row3Cost = 0.0;
row2Cost = 0.0;
row4Cost = 0.0;
row5Cost = 0.0;
return harvestPrice;
// Name: clearFields
// Parameters: crop1: string, pass by reference, the first row's seed type
// crop2: string, pass by reference, the second row's seed type
// crop3: string, pass by reference, the third row's seed type
// crop4: string, pass by reference, the fourth row's seed type
// crop5: string, pass by reference, the fifth row's seed type
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: This function resets the names of each row's crops to "NA"
void clearFields(string &crop1, string &crop2, string &crop3, string &crop4, string &crop5)
crop1 = "NA";
crop2 = "NA";
crop3 = "NA";
crop4 = "NA";
crop5 = "NA";
// Name: displayGarden
// Parameters: rowsTaken: integer, pass by value, the number of rows planted
// Returns: Nothing
// Purpose: To display the rows that are taken or empty.
void displayGarden(const int rowsTaken)
int currentRow = rowsTaken;
string EMPTY = "\n | o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o|";
string PLANTED = "\n | x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x|";
cout << "\n __________________________________________";
for (int row = 1; row <= 5; row++)
if (currentRow > 0)
cout << PLANTED;
cout << EMPTY;
cout << "\n ------------------------------------------";
cout << "\n o = empty\n x = planted\n";
// This is the main program that needs to be written
int main()
string row1Crop = "NA"; // Crop of the first row
string row2Crop = "NA"; // Crop of the second row
string row3Crop = "NA"; // Crop of the third row
string row4Crop = "NA"; // Crop of the fourth row
string row5Crop = "NA"; // Crop of the fifth row
float row1Cost = 0.0; // Cost of the first row
float row2Cost = 0.0; // Cost of the second row
float row3Cost = 0.0; // Cost of the third row
float row4Cost = 0.0; // Cost of the fourth row
float row5Cost = 0.0; // Cost of the fifth row
string currentSeedType = "EMPTY"; // Type of the current seed
int currentRow = 0; // Current row to plant the seeds
int choice = 0; // The user's choice
int numSeeds = 0; // Number of seeds per row
int totalHarvests = 0; // Number of total harvests
float totalPrice = 0.0; // The total price of all harvests
float harvestPrice = 0.0; // The price of a harvest, that will be added to total price after each harvest
float price = 0.0; // The price of each row
bool dontLeave = true; // to tell if user wants to quit program or not
bool allWatered = false; // to tell if ALL crops are watered before harvesting
return 0;
Complete the above code with the following pseudocode: