Simple Calculator with Binary Expression Trees

For this project, write a C program that will implement a simple calculator that can evaluate expressions of arbitrary length. The program MUST use a binary expression tree to implement the calculator. The calculator will only use the operators of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. It will also only contain unsigned (i.e. positive) integer values. We obviously could allow for more operators and more types of values, but the purpose of this assignment is to focus on writing C structs and recursion, not performing complicated arithmetic expressions.

A binary expression tree is a binary tree that can store and evaluate expressions. A binary expression tree has two types of node: leaf nodes that have no children and contain operands (integer values) and internal nodes that have one or two children and contain the operators. Below you can see two examples of binary expression trees.

Figure: see image.

The expression tree on the left represents the expression (9 - 3) * (8 + 2) and evaluates to 60. The expression tree on the right represents the expression 20 ((3*4) + 5) and evaluates to 3.

Expression trees are evaluated recursively, first the left subtree is evaluated, then the right subtree is evaluated and finally both values are combined with the operator stored in the root to give the final solution.

The conventional way of writing expression such as 20 - ((3*4) + 5) is called infix notation. Infix Expression are when the operators of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are listed IN between the values. Infix Expressions require the use of parentheses to express the order of operations.

The algorithm that builds an expression tree from an infix expression is relatively complex, so for this project, we want to use another syntax known as postfix notation (also known as reverse Polish notation). Postfix Expressions are when the operators of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are list AFTER (i.e. "post") the values. Postfix Expression never require the use of parentheses to express non-standard precedence. The fact that postfix expressions do not need parentheses makes them much easier to evaluate than infix expressions.

Due to unambiguity of postfix expressions, most computers first convert infix expression to a postfix expression and then evaluate that postfix expression.

The postfix notation of expression given above are:

9 3 - 8 2 + *
20 3 4 * 5 + -

You must write a calculator program that reads a postfix expression, converts it to a binary expression tree, displays the notation in standard (infix) notation, and finally displays the result of evaluating the expression.

The commands used by this calculator are listed below and are to come from standard input. Your program is to prompt the user for input and display error messages for unknown commands. The code in proj4Base.c already does this for you. You are expected to use that code as the base for your project.

Command Description
q Quit the program.
? List the commands used by this program and a brief description of how to use each one.
< postfixExpression > Store the given expression in an expression tree, display its infix, prefix, and postfix notations, evaluate and display its result.

For completing this project, you need to use two data structures: a binary expression tree and a stack. You must write C structs for a tree node for the binary expression tree and a stack that holds tree nodes.

Parsing the expression string

The first step is to write a function called parseExpression( ) which takes the string containing your postfix expression and returns the root node of an expression tree build based on that string. Implement the following non-recursive algorithm in parseExpression( ) to build a binary expression tree from the given string. You are required to use a stack that can hold tree nodes.

Function: parseExpression
Input: string e
Output: root of an expression tree for e

Start with an empty stack
Tokenize the string into an array of operators and operands
For each token (moving left to right)
if the element is an operand
Create a tree node containing that operand
Push the tree node into the stack
if the element is an operator
Create a tree node containing that operator
Pop the first element off the stack
Set it as the right child of the newly created node
Pop the next element off the stack
Set it as the left child of the newly created node
Push the newly created tree node into the stack
Pop the stack and return the node

For a valid expression, when you reach the end of the expression, there will be only one tree node in the stack which will be the root of a new expression tree.

If you detect an invalid postfix expression you should immediately return NULL. You can add statements to the algorithm above to check for invalid expressions. An expression is invalid if

  • When processing an operator token, the stack does not contain at least two tree nodes, or
  • Upon reaching the end of the expression, there are more than one tree node in the stack

Tokenizing a string in C

One method for tokenizing a given string is to use strtok( ) function. strtok( ) allows us to break a string based on a delimiter and tokenize it. The following code will break an expression into tokens using space as a delimiter:

char input[] = "60 43 18 * + 57 +";
char *ptr = strtok(input , " ");
while (ptr != NULL) {
printf("%s ", ptr);
ptr = strtok ( NULL, " ");

The code prints the following ( pay attention that tokens are string, not character or integer)

60 43 18 * + 57 +

Display different notations

For the next step, you should display different notations of the expression stored in the tree. First display the infix notation, then the prefix notation, and last the postfix notation. Each notation should be printed on a separate line. For displaying different notations, you have to write functions that perform the different traversal on the binary expression tree. The postfix notation is the result of a postorder traversal, the prefix notation is the result of a preorder traversal and the infix notation is the result of an inorder traversal.

Infix notation requires a proper placement of parentheses. Recall the process for inorder traversal first visits the left subtree, then the root node and finally the right subtree. In order to get the proper notation, you should check the current root node and if it is an operator, print open parenthesis "( before the recursive call to left subtree and place close parenthesis )" after returning from recursive call from right subtree.

Use the following algorithm to display proper infix notation:

  • If root node contains an operator
    • print "("
  • Make a recursive call to the left subtree
  • Print the value stored in the root
  • Make a recursive call to the right subtree
  • If root node contains an operator
    • print ")"

Evaluate the expression

Finally, you have to evaluate your expression tree and display the result of the expression. Write a recursive function evalExpression( ) which takes the root of your current expression tree and returns the value of the expression tree. This is the actual calculator part of the project that performs the simple evaluations.

The algorithm for evaluation is very simple and is based on the post order traversal. You should implement the following algorithm:

Function: evalExpression
Input: root of an expression tree
Output: the value of the expression tree
If root node contains an operand
return the root's int value
If root node is not an operand (it contains an operator)
evaluate the left subtree
evaluate the right subtree
apply the root's operator to the values calculated in the previous steps
leftval op rightval
return the result

Use of C struct and C functions

When writing your code, you MUST create two C structs: one struct for nodes in the expression tree and one struct for the stack. You can decide whether you want to implement the stack using a dynamic array or a linked list. Remember that the values this stack stores are Tree nodes.

The root for the expression tree MUST be declared as a local variable in main() or some other function. It may NOT be global.

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