You must:
You may:
You may NOT:
You are going to build a small card game called SWITCH using expendable array and linked list. You will be given two abstract classes - Card and Board, from which you will implement the game specific classes CardSwitch and BoardSwitch. You will also implement an array list-like data structure that keeps track of the cards in a player's hand. This is the Hand class, used to represent a Player and a Deck. The Board class maintains a linked list-like data structure that keeps track of all players in the game and decides the winner of the game.
You are required to complete the JavaDoc comments for ALL classes including the ones you did not implement (except for PlaySwitch). As part of understanding this project, start with writing JavaDoc comments for the classes that are implemented for you: Card, Deck, and Board. Yes, you will be graded on this, and yes, you need to add comments to the methods and instance variables.
There is a total of 7 classes in the project. However, you are only required to implement some of them. See the project starter package for all the files.
The abstract Card Class (see
[code provided: should not be modified except for adding JavaDoc comments]
A card consists of rank and suit. A regular deck of 52 cards contains 13 different ranks and 4 different suits. Ranks consist of ACE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN, JACK, QUEEN, and KING. Suits consist of HEARTS, CLUBS, DIAMONDS, and SPADES. In our design, every card has a point and a priority which should be implemented in its inherited classes.
The CardSwitch Class (see
Write a class specific to the game SWITCH by extending the abstract class Card. Required methods:
public CardSwitch(Rank rank, Suit suit)
public int getPoints()
public boolean equals(Card anotherCard)
public String toString()
The Hand< T extends Card> Class (see
Hand holds an array of cards that can be expanded. You need to implement the required methods and make sure their big-O value is as required. Required methods:
public Hand()
public int numCards()
public T getCard(int index)
public void setCard(int index, T c)
public void addCard(T c)
public int indexOf(T c)
public T removeCard(int index)
public boolean removeCard(T card)
The Player< T extends Card> Class (see
Player is a linked list node class consisting of name, points, hand, and next player. Required methods:
public Player(String name)
public void setNext(Player< T> p)
public Player< T> getNext()
public boolean hasNext()
public int getPoints()
public String getName()
public boolean receiveCard(T c)
public boolean hasCard(T c)
public boolean playCard(T card)
public T playCard(int index)
The abstract Board< T extends Card> Class
[code provided: should not be modified except to add JavaDoc comments]
The board keeps track of the deck, current player, and the number of players. A board should be able to add players and maintains a circularly linked list of players. i.e. Player1 -> Player2 -> Player3 -> Player1 for a 3-player board.
The BoardSwitch< T extends Card> Class (see
Write a class specific to the game SWITCH by extending the abstract class Board. Required methods:
public BoardSwitch(Deck< T> deck)
public Player< T> getCurrentPlayer()
public int getNumPlayers()
public Deck< T> getDeck()
public boolean changeTurn()
public Player< T> findWinner()
public boolean addPlayer(Player< T> p)
The Deck< T extends Card> Class (see
[code provided: should not be modified except for adding JavaDoc comments]
A deck consists of a Hand of cards. The Deck class should be able to add cards, shuffle them, deal the next card, and check the number of cards. You will need to perform big-O analysis to all methods listed here except for the constructor.
public Deck()
public boolean addCard(T c)
public boolean hasCard(T c)
public void shuffle()
public T dealNextCard()
public boolean isEmpty()
public int cardCount()
public String toString()
The PlaySwitch Class (see
[code provided: should not be modified. No JavaDoc comments required]
A provided implementation of a simple game with cards. The game follows these steps:
1. Creating a full deck of 52 cards
2. Creates players and adds them to board
3. Deal all cards to users one by one (all players may not receive same number of cards)
4. Switch the first n cards between the players
5. Player with the higher total points of all cards in hand is the winner
Template given to you in the starter package contains instructions on the REQUIRED Big-O runtime for each method. Your methods should not have a higher Big-O. For class Deck, you are required to present Big-O run time for all methods (as comments within the code) in addition to Javadoc commenting. Again yes, you will be graded on this.
Test cases will not be provided for this project. However, feel free to create test cases by yourselves. In addition, the main methods provided along with the template classes contain useful code to test your code. You can use command like " java CardSwitch " to run the testing defined in main( ). You could also edit main( ) to perform additional testing. And yes, a part of your grade will be based on automatic grading using test cases that are not provided to you.
Enter the number of players: 3
Enter Name of Player 1:
Enter Name of Player 2:
Enter Name of Player 3:
How many cards should be switched?
-Starting ROUND 1-
switch from Jon: card (TEN,CLUBS), switch to Cersei
switch from Cersei: card (KING,HEARTS), switch to Daenerys
switch from Daenerys: card (JACK,CLUBS), switch to Jon
-Starting ROUND 2-
switch from Jon: card (FIVE,CLUBS), switch to Cersei
switch from Cersei: card (NINE,SPADES), switch to Daenerys
switch from Daenerys: card (SIX,SPADES), switch to Jon
-Starting ROUND 3-
switch from Jon: card (JACK,DIAMONDS), switch to Cersei
switch from Cersei: card (KING,CLUBS), switch to Daenerys
switch from Daenerys: card (KING,DIAMONDS), switch to Jon
-Starting ROUND 4-
switch from Jon: card (QUEEN,SPADES), switch to Cersei
switch from Cersei: card (SEVEN,DIAMONDS), switch to Daenerys
switch from Daenerys: card (JACK,SPADES), switch to Jon
-Starting ROUND 5-
switch from Jon: card (ACE,DIAMONDS), switch to Cersei
switch from Cersei: card (SIX,HEARTS), switch to Daenerys
switch from Daenerys: card (ACE,CLUBS), switch to Jon
Winner is: Daenerys with 127 points
Enter the number of players: 5
Enter Name of Player 1:
Enter Name of Player 2:
Enter Name of Player 3:
Enter Name of Player 4:
Enter Name of Player 5:
How many cards should be switched?
-Starting ROUND 1-
switch from CaptainAmerica: card (TEN,DIAMONDS), switch to Hawkeye
switch from Hawkeye: card (NINE,HEARTS), switch to BlackWidow
switch from BlackWidow: card (JACK,HEARTS), switch to Ironman
switch from Ironman: card (QUEEN,SPADES), switch to Hulk
switch from Hulk: card (JACK,CLUBS), switch to CaptainAmerica
-Starting ROUND 2-
switch from CaptainAmerica: card (KING,SPADES), switch to Hawkeye
switch from Hawkeye: card (SEVEN,HEARTS), switch to BlackWidow
switch from BlackWidow: card (KING,DIAMONDS), switch to Ironman
switch from Ironman: card (SIX,CLUBS), switch to Hulk
switch from Hulk: card (NINE,DIAMONDS), switch to CaptainAmerica
-Starting ROUND 3-
switch from CaptainAmerica: card (THREE,CLUBS), switch to Hawkeye
switch from Hawkeye: card (FIVE,DIAMONDS), switch to BlackWidow
switch from BlackWidow: card (TWO,HEARTS), switch to Ironman
switch from Ironman: card (EIGHT,SPADES), switch to Hulk
switch from Hulk: card (SEVEN,DIAMONDS), switch to CaptainAmerica
Winner is: Hulk with 77 points