1) Given an array of int[ ]; write code that will sort the array of int using a bubble sort algorithm.
2) What is the output of the following code:
int prod=0;
for (int x=3; x<=5 x++) {
for (int y=3; y<=7; y++) {
prod = x * y;
if (prod % 3 == 0)
3) Write a method called examGrade that will grade a 20 question multiple choice exam consisting of A,B,C,D answers. The exam_answers is an array of char (char[ ]) passed into the method consisting of student answers. Compare the exam_answers with the answer_key in an array of (char[ ]) - answer key is predefined. Each question is worth 5 points for a total of 100 points: The method will grade each exam passed in as a parameter and return a grade for the exam based on the following:
A = any value between 90 and 100
B = any value between 80 and less than 90
C = any value between 70 and less than 80
F = less than 70
char examGrade (char[ ] exam_answers) {
// all char have ‘ ‘ (single quote)
char[ ] answer_key = {A,D,C,A,B,B,A,D,B,C,C,A,D,B,C,D,B,A,B,A};
Student 1 has exam_answers = {B,D,C,A,B,C,A,D,B,C,A,A,D,B,C,D,B,A,B,A};
17 correct; 3 incorrect; exam_score = 85; grade=B
Student 2 has exam_answers = {A,D,C,A,B,B,A,D,B,C,C,A,D,B,C,D,B,A,B,A};
20 correct; 0 incorrect; exam_score=100; grade=A
4) Given the following Object:
class Account {
private String name;
private double balance;
Account ( ) { }
Account (String nm) { }
Account (String nm, double bal) { }
public void setName(String nm) { // set name }
public String getName( ) { // returns name }
public double getBalance( ) { // returns balance }
public void setBalance (double bal ) { // set balance variable }
public double calcMonthlyInterest( ) { } // calculate the monthly interest amount
public double calcMonthlyInterest (double intRate) { }// calculate the monthly interest
// amt given a rate
a) Implement the following interface for Account Object. The getClientBalance() will return the balance of Account.
interface Balance {
public double getClientBalance(); // returns the client Account balance
b) Create a 20 element array that will be able to call the getClientBalance() method.
c) Assume Account instances in b); write statements that will sum the total balance of all Account in b)
5) Implement (code) the following method: public void fizzBuzzWoof (int N) { } that, given a positive integer N, prints the consecutive numbers from 1 to N, each on a separate line. However, any number divisible by 3, 5 or 7 should be replaced by the word Fizz, Buzz or Woof respectively . If a number is divisible by more than one of the numbers: 3, 5 or 7, it should be replaced by a concatenation of the respective words Fizz, Buzz and Woof in this given order. For example, numbers divisible by both 3 and 5 should be replaced by FizzBuzz and numbers divisible by all three numbers: 3, 5 and 7, should be replaced by FizzBuzzWoof. For example, here is the output for
N = 24:
5) Answer the following questions with the LinkedList definition defined below:
class LinkData {
public int num;
public LinkData next;
class LinkedListData {
private LinkData head;
LinkedListData ( ) { }
public int length( ) { // returns the number of elements in LinkedListData }
public void addLink (LinkData ld) { // add LinkData to the end of LinkedListData }
public void addLinkAt(int index, LinkData ld) { // add LinkData at index.
// Assume LinkedListData starts at index 0 }
public void removeFirst( ) { // remove the first node of LinkedListData
a) Implement (code) method length that will return the number of elements in LinkedListData.
b) Implement (code) method addLink that will add a LinkData to the end of LinkedListData
c) Implement (code) method addLinkAt that will add a LinkData to position specified in index
d) Implement (code) method removeFirst that will remove the first link in LinkedListData.
6) Answer the following questions below:
a) What is the difference between an array and ArrayList?
b) Define what is a Set, Map and List and the differences amongst a Set, Map and List.
c) Describe two ways to traverse through a Collection.
d) What is Queue and Stack? List their differences.
7) Use the following Collection API to answer the following questions:
Set< Object>: HashSet< Object>; TreeSet< Object>
List< Object>: ArrayList< Object>, LinkedList< Object>
Map< Object, Object>: HashMap< Object,Object>; TreeMap< Object,Object>
a) Given an array of characters, describe in pseudo code (high level algorithm) a process that will that will remove all duplicate characters.
char[] myChars = {‘a’,’e’,’b’,’s’,’t’,’v’,’a’,’s’,’f’,’b’,’a’};
removed duplicates: {‘a’,’e’,’b’,’s’,’t’,’v’,’f’}
b) Given an array of characters; describe in pseudo code (high level algorithm) a process that will print the characters that are duplicated (more than one).
char[] myChars = {‘a’,’e’,’b’,’s’,’t’,’v’,’a’,’s’,’f’,’b’,’a’};
Duplicate characters are: a, b, s