For a given integer n > 1, the smallest integer d > 1 that divides n is a prime factor. We can find the prime factorization of n if we find d and then replace n by the quotient of n divided by d, repeating this until n becomes 1. Write a java program that uses a stack to print the prime factors of a positive integer in descending order. For example, for n = 3960, your program should produce
11 * 5 * 3 * 3 * 2 * 2 * 2
1.Show the ArrayStackADT interface
2.Create the ArrayStackDataStrucClass< T > with the following methods: default constructor, overloaded constructor, copy constructor, initializeStack, isEmptyStack, isFullStack, push, peek, void pop
3.Create the PrimeFactorizationDemoClass: instantiate an ArrayStackDataStrucClass< Integer > object with 50 elements. Use a try-catch block in the main( ) using pushes/pops.
4.Exception classes: StackException, StackUnderflowException, StackOverflowException
5.Show the 4 outputs for the following: 3,960 1,234 222,222 13,780