1. Implement a function named convert_2_km(), which has no parameters. It converts user input from miles into kilometers. The formula for this conversion is:
1 mile == 1.60934 kilometers.
Example of usage
>>> convert_2_km()
Miles (or STOP): 12
Kilometers: 19.31208
Miles (or STOP): cats
Bad input: cats
Miles (or STOP): 3
Kilometers: 4.82802
Miles (or STOP): stop
Bad input: stop
Miles (or STOP): STOP
Please notice that this function has no self test.
2. Implement a function meal_price(items) that calculates and returns the price for a meal. Its only parameter is a list containing meal item names. The goal of the function is to compute the price of the meal. The only items the function should recognize are:
apple : 0.59
burger : 2.50
drink : 0.99
fries : 1.29
If the list contains anything else, print "Unknown item: ___" and include the item name that is unknown. An unknown item should not stop the process of adding up the price.
3. Implement a function print_change(row) that calculates and prints the difference between adjacent values in a list. The differences are printed separated by commas. For example, if row is [1,2,9], the output should be "1,7" (not including the quote marks) because 2 compared to 1 is 1 greater and 9 compared to 2 is 7 greater. Negative results are expected. If the input was [1,9,2], the expected result is 8,-7.
The length of the list should not matter. You do not need to test for a list that is too short.
4. Implement a function sum_nums(a_list) that sums the numbers from the provided list and returns the result. Note that all the values in the list may not be numeric and therefore need to be skipped. For example, sum_nums([5,'11',27,3,'cat']) should return 35. The values '11' and cat are skipped.
Use a list comprehension to solve this problem.