Your task is to create a game in Greenfoot, with three types of elements: a PLAYER piece, controlled by the player; a FOOD piece that can be 'caught' by the player; and an ENEMY, that can catch the player. If the enemy catches the player, then the game is over.
You must choose a theme for your game that is not crabs/worms and lobsters. All your elements should suit your theme, including the background and the actors. The movement of the actors should 'make sense' as per the theme of your game. We do not expect to see the same theme or game created by any two students - be original!
At the beginning of the game, there must be one PLAYER piece on the screen. The PLAYER must be controlled by the keyboard arrows, and at minimum must have left and right movement. That is, when the left arrow key on the keyboard is pressed, the PLAYER will move to the left. When the right arrow key is pressed, the PLAYER will move to the right.
There must be at least 10 FOOD pieces on the screen at the beginning of the game. Each FOOD piece must have random movement on the screen - that is, it must turn and move randomly, and must be able to be caught by the PLAYER. When the FOOD is caught by the PLAYER, it should be removed from the screen.
There must be at least one ENEMY on screen at the beginning of the game. Each ENEMY must have random movement on screen which is different than the food (cannot use the exact same code). If the ENEMY catches the player, the game should end.
You should include sound effects that will fit the theme of your game. These can be either in-built or created by you.
You can choose to use the inbuilt media for backgrounds and actors OR you can choose to add your own (see Module 4 for how to do this), or some combination of the two. If you do add your own, make sure you use PNGs with transparency for your actors, and keep your file size small.
You may like to add the following features, for extra credit: