Implement Balanced Binary Search Tree in C++.
You can implement it as AVL or Red-Black tree. Your tree class BalancedBinarySearchTree should support the following Interfaces:
bool InsertNode(int key) - inserts a node into the tree.
bool DeleteNode(int key) - delete a node with that key;
Node* FindNode(int key) - returns a pointer to the node in the tree.
void PrintLevelKeys() - prints tree node keys using In-Level Traversal (see below).
int GetNodeBalanceProperty() - returns the height or color of a tree.
int Count() - returns number of nodes.
Your program should have Node structure/class defined as public.
Implement In-Level traversal algorithm below that will print node keys level by level (remember, meaning of height here is different from height of AVL node) Example: the following tree see image.
should be printed:
12 23
11 * 21 30PrintLevels(root)
Height = GetHeight(root)
For i=1 to Height
PrintLevel(root, i)PrintLevel(node, level)
If(level == 1)
PrintLevel(node->left, level-1)
PrintLevel(node->right, level-1)