In this assignment, you will create a Binary Search Tree to store and retrieve objects of type ItemType. The purpose of this assignment is for you to become familiar with basic tree operations, and understand the efficiency of trees compared to previously studied data structures. Binary Tree nodes have only two children, left and right. Nodes are compared based on their Key instance variable, which in this assignment is of type ItemType . All elements in the left subtree of a given node have key values less than the given node and, all elements in the right subtree have key values greater than the given node. A Binary tree must maintain this sorted property at all times. In this assignment, the binary tree should not accept duplicate values.
In order to implement this BinaryTree , you will use the ItemType class created in the earlier assignments. You may choose to implement the functions in the Binary Tree class iteratively or recursively. As with the previous assignments, you may create additional functions to implement the features asked in the document. Once all functions have been implemented for the Binary Tree class, you will create a Main application that initializes a tree based on file input and allows the user to interactively modify the tree based on the given commands. Finally, make sure to properly document all the code with comments, and make sure that your output exactly matches the example output.
ItemType.h and ItemType. cpp: Implementation remains the same as previous assignments.
The following function can be implemented however you like, just make sure their input and output formatting matches the sample output below. Implement these functions as a class function using prototypes of your choice. For above functions like preorder the function prototype does not include a parameter so you can implement this by using as auxiliary function (as discussed in lecture) or using a getRoot function etc.
In the readme file give the pseudo code (steps) for the aboves 3 operations. Using this pseudo-code explain the complexity (big O) of your 3 operations.
Example Output:
Outputs are given for the starting binary tree shown in the diagram. see image.
./main input.txt
insert (i), delete (d), retrieve (r), length (l), in-order (n), pre-order (p), post-order (o), getNumSingleParent (s), getNumLeafNodes (f), getSumOfSubtrees (t), quit (q)
//1. pre-order(p)
Enter a command: p
Pre-Order: 25 15 10 4 12 22 18 24 50 35
//2. in-order(n)
Enter a command: n
In-Order: 4 10 12 15 18 22 24 25 35 50
//3. post-order(o)
Enter a command: o
Post-Order: 4 12 10 18 24 22 15 35 50 25
//4. length(l)
Enter a command: l
List Length: 10
Enter a command: q
Quitting program...
./main input.txt
insert (i), delete (d), retrieve (r), length (l), in-order (n), pre-order (p), post-order (o), getNumSingleParent (s), getNumLeafNodes (f), getSumOfSubtrees (t), quit (q)
//5a. insert(i) - insert an item
Enter a command: i
Item to insert: 13
In-Order: 4 10 12 13 15 18 22 24 25 35 50
Enter a command: p
Pre-Order: 25 15 10 4 12 13 22 18 24 50 35
//5b. insert(i) - insert an item that exists in list
Enter a command: i
Item to insert: 25
Item already in tree.
In-Order: 4 10 12 13 15 18 22 24 25 35 50
Enter a command: q
Quitting program...
./main input.txt
insert (i), delete (d), retrieve (r), length (l), in-order (n), pre-order (p), post-order (o), getNumSingleParent (s), getNumLeafNodes (f), getSumOfSubtrees (t), quit (q)
//6a. delete(d)
Enter a command: d
Item to delete: 50
In-Order: 4 10 12 15 18 22 24 25 35
Enter a command: o
Post-Order: 4 12 10 18 24 22 15 35 25
Enter a command: p
Pre-Order: 25 15 10 4 12 22 18 24 35
//6b. delete(d)
Enter a command: d
Item to delete: 10
In-Order: 4 12 15 18 22 24 25 35
Enter a command: p
Pre-Order: 25 15 4 12 22 18 24 35
//6c. delete(d) - delete a non-existent item
Enter a command: d
Item to delete: 100
Item not in tree.
In-Order: 4 10 12 15 18 22 24 25 35
Enter a command: q
Quitting program...
./main input.txt
insert (i), delete (d), retrieve (r), length (l), in-order (n), pre-order (p), post-order (o), getNumSingleParent (s), getNumLeafNodes (f), getSumOfSubtrees (t), quit (q)
//7a. retrieve(r) - retrieve an existent item
Enter a command: r
Item to be retrieved: 25
Item found in tree.
//7b. retrieve(r) - retrieve an non-existent item
Enter a command: r
Item to be retrieved: 101
Item not in tree.
Enter a command: q
Quitting program...
./main input.txt
insert (i), delete (d), retrieve (r), length (l), in-order (n), pre-order (p), post-order (o), getNumSingleParent (s), getNumLeafNodes (f), getSumOfSubtrees (t), quit (q)
//8.invalid command
Enter a command: k
Command not recognized. Try again
Enter a command: b
Command not recognized. Try again
Enter a command: q
Quitting program...
./main input.txt
insert (i), delete (d), retrieve (r), length (l), in-order (n), pre-order (p), post-order (o), getNumSingleParent (s), getNumLeafNodes (f), getSumOfSubtrees (t), quit (q)
//9. getNumSingleParent (s)
Enter a command: s
Number of Single Parents: 1
//10. getNumLeafNodes (f)
Enter a command: f
Number of leaf nodes: 5
//9. getSumOfSubtrees (t)
Enter a command: t
Item to get sum of subtrees: 10
Sum of Subtrees: 16
Enter a command: t
Item to get sum of subtrees: 99
Item not in tree.
Enter a command: q
Quitting program...