In the game of Pac-man, the player controls the Pac-man in a maze to earn points by consuming dots. To foil Pac-man's apetite, ghosts roam around trying to consume Pac-man.
HW6 explores graph algorithms to simulate a simpler ver- sion of the Pac-man game. Given a starting position in a 2D grid world, a player's goal is to move Pac-man to consume the most dots (each dot earns one point) without being consumed by one of the ghosts. Naturally, once consumed, a dot is no longer available. At each step, the player can move Pac-man up, down, left, or right to an adjacent empty cell or a cell with a dot. Similarly, at each step, the ghost can move in those four directions to an adjacent cell that is empty, with a dot, or with Pac-man. Ghosts do not consume dots and ignore them. For simplicity, the ghosts move at the same speed as Pac-man.
The player moves Pac-man first, then each ghost (in alpha- betical order) will move. Trying to reach Pac-man quickly, each ghost decides which direction to move based on the short- est path from its cell to Pac-man's cell. The distance from one cell to an adjacent cell is 1. For easier debugging and testing, during Breadth-First Search for the path, consider the valid adjacent cells in this order: up, down, left, and right. Each cell can have Pac-man, a ghost, a dot, or an obstacle, or can be empty. Note that since ghosts do not consume dots, a cell could have both a ghost and a dot, but only the ghost is shown. The game stops after no dots remain, or one of the ghosts reaches Pac-man (cell).
HW6: one round of the first move from Pac-man and the first move from the ghosts.
HW6 Extra Credit 1 via hw6 extra1.c (or multiple rounds of moves to the end of the game.
Input: Command-line argument for hw6.c (or is a filename of the 2D grid worldthe first line has number of rows and columns of the world, the following lines have the initial world represented by these characters:
During the game, via the keyboard, the player can input u, d, l, and r to indicate moving up, down, left, and right to an adjacent cell. If the input is invalid (incorrect letter or the adjacent cell is not empty), prompt the player to re-enter.
Output: Output goes to the standard output (screen):
1. the world with row numbers on the top and column num- bers on the left
2. Please enter your move [u(p), d(own), l(elf), or r(ight)]:
3. the world with row numbers on the top and column num- bers on the left
4. Points:
5. For each ghost (in alphabetical order), display its move (u/d/l/r), length of its shortest path to Pac-man, and cells on the shortest path starting with the ghost cell before the move and ends with Pac-man's cell:
Ghost g: move shortestPathLength (row1,col1)
(row2,col2) ...
Ghost s: move shortestPathLength (row1,col1)
(row2,col2) ...
Row 0 is at the top and column 0 is on the left. Sample output (with player keyboard input) is on the course website.
For extra credit, the program repeatedly displays the output above and terminates after:
1. no dots remain: the program displays the final world, points, and "Pac-man is full!", or
2. one of the ghosts at Pac-man's cell: the program displays the final world and "A ghost is not hungry any more!"