Create a word count server that can do the following: converts first alphabet of a given sentence to upper-case and converts rest of the alphabets to lower-case, counts the number of spaces, counts the number of alphabets, and finally counts the number of vowels in a given sentence.
1. Create a C-based server that can accept at least one client's request using TCP sockets
2. Make sure the word count server runs on and the format to start the word count server as follows
./wcserver < port_number >
where wcserver is the word count server executable and port_number is the port number on which the word count server listens
3. Create a C-based client that can connect to the word count server using TCP sockets
4. Make sure the client runs on and connects the word count server. The user can send the sentence using the below format
./client < port_number >
where client is the client executable, port_number is the port number on which the client connects the server and input is the sentence input to the server
5. Once the word count server gets a sentence from the client, it converts the first alphabet of the given sentence to upper-case alphabet and converts rest of the alphabets to lower-case and sends the converted sentence to the client
6. It also finds the number of spaces, number of alphabets, and the number of vowels in the input sentence and replies it to the client
7. The word count server quits when a quit expression is given as input
8. Assume that the given sentence will not be more than 255 characters, every word will be separated with a single space, and will have punctuations
./client 1234
input: hello world!
output: Hello world!
spaces: 1
alphabets: 10
vowels: 3
input: HOW ARE YOU?
output: How are you?
spaces: 2
alphabets: 9
vowels: 5
input: quit