
Jeff has had a lot of time on his hands. He has decided to automate one of his favourite games hangman.


Your task is to create a simple hangman game. Your program should perform the following tasks:

  • Select a word at random from an array
  • Ask the user if they would like to guess the word or request a letter
  • If the user guesses the word
    • Advise them if they got it correct or not (if correct, game ends)
    • Subtract one attempt from their total allowed attempts
  • If the user requests a letter
    • Reveal all instances of that letter in the series
    • Subtract one attempt from their total allowed attempts

Example Output (input is in bold)

$ python

Word contains 4 letters
You have 5 attempts remaining

_ _ _ _

Enter word to solve, or letter to reveal: a

You have 4 attempts remaining

_ a _ _

Enter word to solve, or letter to reveal: t

You have 3 attempts remaining

_ a t _

Enter word to solve, or letter to reveal: t

You have 3 attempts remaining

_ a t _

Enter word to solve, or letter to reveal: z

You have 2 attempts remaining

_ a t _

Enter word to solve, or letter to reveal: c

You have 1 attempts remaining

c a t _

Enter word to solve, or letter to reveal: cats

Congratulations, you discovered the word!
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