Write a simple C# application which accepts from the student the following information and writes the information to the console:

Student ID
Student Name
Student GPA

Your code should be well-commented. Add references whenever applicable. You can use a combination of Write() and WriteLine() methods to increase readability of your application.

Before you write your C# code, start your design by using pseudocode to outline your algorithm. Submit the C# code along with pseudocode in a Word document, and upload this with your zipped project. This document will be the beginning of your design document for your application and will be updated in each unit.

Adhere to APA formatting and reference guidelines when writing your response. Additionally, your response should be free of grammatical errors, use complete sentences, and give specific details to support statements.


Complete the following for this assignment:

Implement a class that defines a student that can be enrolled in a university. Student type can be undergraduate, graduate, part-time, full-time.

Your class should have at least 3 attributes (instance variables such as type, id, name).

Getters and setters for each instance variables should be provided.

Attributes should be appropriately typed and scoped to incorporate data hiding.

Appropriate constructors should be implemented.

Create an application that constructs at least 1 instance (object) of your class.

The application should call the constructor that you implemented to construct the object.

The default constructor should not be used.

The initial values passed to the constructor should be values entered by the user.

The application should provide clear prompts for the required initial values to be used by the constructor.

Your application should test each getter and setter for each class.

Display the results of each call to a getter to demonstrate that the correct results are returned.

This information should display in a well-formatted manner and using a combination of Write() and WriteLine() statements.

Headers and labels should be used in the display to make it clear what each value displayed represents.

Your code should also be commented.

Update your design document created in Week 1 to include your unified modeling language (UML) class diagram. Submit a zipped project with your application and your design document.


Use the Student class you created for Week 2 IP. Your class should have at least 3 attributes (instance variables). Getters and setters for each instance variable should be provided. Attributes should be appropriately typed and scoped to incorporate data hiding. Appropriate constructors should be implemented.

Consider that a student has registered for a course which has 4 tests (Test1, Test2, Test3, Test4). Each test has 100 points possible. You need to input the grades the students received in each of these 4 tests and then calculate average of the 4 tests.

After calculating the average, decide and display the final letter grade depending upon following criteria.

  • A if average is greater than 90 and less than or equal to 100.
  • B if average is greater than 80 and less than or equal to 89.
  • C if average is greater than 70 and less than or equal to 79.
  • D if average is greater than 60 and less than or equal to 69.
  • F if average is less than 60.

Write a well-commented code for implementing the enhancement to your Week 2 IP student class. Update your design document to include this enhancement. Submit your zipped project and your updated design document.


Use the Student class you created for the Week 3 Individual Project. Implement methods or subprograms for the following tasks:

In Week 3 IP, you calculated average for 4 tests. Implement a method calculateAvg() to do the same task. You will need to provide parameters as values for all 4 test points. Your return value from the calculateAvg() will be the average of 4 test points.

Implement another method calculateGrade() to display the final grade as you displayed in Week 3 IP. The parameter to be passed will be average of 4 tests and depending upon the ranges a char value among 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' or 'F' will be returned by the method.

Write well-commented code in your program as inline documentation.

Update your design document to include this enhancement.

Submit your zipped project and your updated design document.

Adhere to APA formatting and reference guidelines when writing your response. Additionally, your response should be free of grammatical errors, use complete sentences, and give specific details to support statements.


Use the Student class you created for Week 4 IP. Create an array of class Student to store information of 5 students. Do following tasks using this newly created class:

Write a LINQ query that sorts students based on their student IDs.

Write a LINQ query that obtains students who passed the class (students who received above 50 as an average of 4 tests).

Using lambda expression, filter students who passed the class (student who received above 50 as an average of 4 tests).

Implement a delegate that can hold a reference to above lambda expression.


  • Describe 3 key benefits of using OOP. Provide a hypothetical or real example to elaborate the benefits?
  • Describe 3 key benefits of using a graphical language such as the unified modeling language (UML). Use a hypothetical or real example to elaborate the benefits?
  • Describe 3 key benefits of using pseudocode during software development. (You can take an example to elaborate the benefits)?
  • Describe 3 key benefits of using method overloading. Use an example to illustrate the benefits?
  • Describe 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of using arrays. (You can take an example to elaborate the benefits).
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