In this challenge, use the HTTP GET method to retrieve information from a database of Card Transactions records for users. Query where txn is the transaction type of the record passed to the function. This will return all records that have the given transaction type. The query response is paginated and can be further accessed by appending to the query string &page=num where num is the page number.

The query response from the API is a JSON response with the following five fields:

  • page: the current page.
  • per_page: the maximum number of results per page.
  • total: total number of records in the search result.
  • total pages: the total number of pages which must be queried to get all the results.
  • data: an array of JSON objects containing transaction records

The data field in the response contains a list of the transaction records, with each transaction record following the below-described schema:

  • id: the unique ID of the record
  • timestamp: the timestamp when the record was generated (In UTC milliseconds)
  • userld: the user id of the user who performed the transaction
  • userName: the user name of the user who performed the transaction
  • txnType: the transaction type of the transaction, either debit or credit
  • amount: the transaction amount stored as a string with the currency structure and prefixed with the $ sign, e.g. "$2,273.95"
  • location: the object containing the location description of the transaction
    • the id of the location where the transaction took place
    • location.address: the address of the location where the transaction took place
    • the city where the transaction took place
    • Code: the zip code of the location where the transaction took place
  • ip: the IP address of the device which was used to perform the transaction

Given the locationId, locationld, and the provided transaction type, txnType, return a 2d array containing the total amount transacted by each user at the given locationld.

The array will be in the format [[1, 1200], [2, 2333] ] where the item at index 0 in the inner array denotes the id of the user and item at index 1 denotes the total amount transacted (either debit or credit based on input txnType). The items in the outer array should be sorted by the ids of the user. Note that the search is not case sensitive.

Function Description

getTransactions has the following parameter(s):
int locationld: the id of the location by which record will be fetched, to be matched with the property
string txnType: the transaction type to filter the records on
[int[]]: a 2d array containing the total amount transacted by each user at the given location id. If no records are found matching the filter criteria, it should return [[-1, -1]].

Note: The total amount should be rounded off to 2 places after the decimal. It can also be returned as a string.

Input Format For Custom Testing

The first line contains an integer, locationld, the id of the location of interest.

The second line contains a string, txn Type, the transaction type to filter for

Sample Case 0

Sample Input For Custom Testing

STDIN Function
----- --------
1 -> locationId = 1
debit -> txType = 'debit'

Sample Output

1 13200.08
2 16745.72
3 18859.77
4 10360.32

Given txn Type = debit the query is https://jsonmock and the response includes:

{ id: 1,
userId: 1,
userName: 'John Oliver',
timestamp: 1549536882071,
txnType: 'debit',
amount: '$1,670.57',
location: { id: 7,
address: '770, Deepends, Stockton Street',
city: 'Ripley',
zipCode: 44139
ip: ''

Given the response from the API for txn Type = 'debit', filter the records. After filtering the data to find all the records which belong to = 1, find the total amount spent by each user. The final values for user 1 is 11590.28, for user 2 is 17410.38 and so on. Finally create the 2d array containing the answer [[1, 13200.08], [2, 16745.72], [3, 18859.77], [4, 10360.32]] which is returned.

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