Given the Access database DealCo.accdb in the attachment (I populated some records in these tables for you already), you are asked to create the following 4 queries.
1. Find out who the managers are and how much they earn. Name your query as qryManagerSalary. Your query should return the table below: see image.
2. Who are the managers who run a store with over 1 million YTD sales. Name and save your query as qryManagerStoreOver1M. Your query should return the table below: see image.
3. Which store has the largest YTD sales. Name and save your query as qryStoreWithLargestSales. Your query should return the table below. see image.
4. Find out the total payroll for each store and the headcount. Name and save your query as qryTotalSalaryPerStore. Your query should return the table below. see image.
5. When you are done, save the database with the original name and submit it in Blackboard.
Note: Queries 3 and 4 are on the so-called aggregate functions (or in Access, they call them Summaries). The function you will be using in Query 3 is Max( ). I use Sum( ) and Count ( ) in Query 4. Google search and see if you can find some answers that you understand and implement them. In the result of query 4, the heading on the last column is named Num_of_Employees. It is an example showing you that column name can be named anything (more descriptive) rather than the cryptic column name in the schema. In 2 ACCESS, you simply type: Num_of_Employees:The_original_column_name in the column heading. Did you see the colon : between the two labels?