For this project, you will create a recursive version of the method you created for Project 2: Double Up
1. Do not use a loop.
2. Create a recursive method with an int return type that accepts a number that will represent the max number for the double up. This method must be called recursively to display the double up calculation for each value between 1 and that max number, and return the total. The output will be the same as the output for Project 2. For example, if the recursive method is called and sent the max value 5, the output should be as follows:
Double up 1 = 2
Double up 2 = 4
Double up 3 = 6
Double up 4 = 8
Double up 5 = 10
Total = 30
However, if the method is called with a value greater than 20, the method should display a message like "Invalid number" and return -1.
4. The main method should call the method and pass a max value for testing.