
Create a simple fraction calculator that can add and subtract any number of fractions and writes the answer as a reduced fraction.

Your program will read input from stdin and write output on stdout. A fraction is represented as the sequence:


where a and b are integers and any amount of white space characters ' ' (including none) can separate a from '/' and '/' from b.

Input consists of an expression made of fractions separated by the operators '+' or '-'. The number of fractions in the expression is arbitrary. Each of the following 6 lines is an example of valid input expression:

1/2 + 3/4
3 /9- 21 / -7
-2/-3 +7 /5

Note that the numerator and/or denominator of a fraction given as input may be negative.

The input will consist of a single expression on a single line terminated by a \n character.

The output should consist of a single, irreducible fraction written as


where c is a signed integer and d is a positive integer (i.e. the denominator cannot be negative in the output). The numbers c and d should not have any common factors (apart from 1).

Error processing and special cases

You can expect the input to consist of complete expressions, i.e. there will be no incomplete or missing fractions in the input. Fractions with a zero denominator may appear in input, and must cause the following error message to be printed on stdout:

Error: zero denominator

with no other output.

If the answer is an integer, the program should only print that integer and not a fraction

Example: input= 3/2 + 4/8 , output = 2
Examples of input and corresponding output will be provided in the file homework1.tar. Your output should exactly match the output in the example files (including spaces if any).


The main program, called calculator.cpp , is provided. Your project must include a class Fraction that encapsulates all functions related to the processing of fractions. The >> and << operators must be overloaded and used to read and write fractions. The presence of a zero denominator in input should be handled by throwing an exception of type invalid_argument defined in < stdexcept>. The class Fraction must be defined in a source file Fraction.cpp and declared in a header file Fraction.h. The implementation of the member functions should be defined in the file Fraction.cpp. The class Fraction must include a constructor Fraction::Fraction(int a, int b). The internal representation of the fraction should be in reduced form, i.e. using a pair of numbers that have no common factors. Constructors and other member functions must ensure that the fraction is always reduced. Use Euclid's algorithm to simplify fractions to reduced form. An example of a C implementation reduce_fraction.c of this algorithm is provided in the file homework1.tar. Do not include the file reduce_fraction.c in your submission. The operators '+', '-' and '=' must be overloaded and defined. Member functions getNum() and getDen() should be implemented, returning the (reduced) numerator and denominator of the fraction. It should be possible to use the class Fraction in the program useFraction.cpp which #includes the header Fraction.h. The program useFraction.cpp is provided in the file homework1.tar. You should not modify that program.

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