In this assignment, you are asked to implement a program (named checkpack) that, given a rectangular domain and a list of circles and rectangles, can check if the packing configuration is valid, in the sense that all shapes fit within the domain and there are no overlaps between shapes. This problem occurs e.g. in electronic device design when packing electronic components on a printed circuit board.
The program should create a visual representation of the domain and shapes as a scalable vector graphics (svg) file. An svg file can be visualized using a browser such as Firefox, Safari, Chrome or Internet Explorer. See .
The positions and sizes of the shapes are specified using integers. The domain is a rectangle of fixed size (600x500). Circles of arbitrary position and radius are read from standard input. Rectangles of arbitrary position and sizes are read from input. Circles and Rectangles can appear in any order in the input.
The program should write on standard output the svg representation of all the shapes, and include in addition the following diagnostic message:
The diagnostic message should appear when rendering the svg file as in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example of rendering of an svg file. see image.
The implementation relies on the classes Domain, Point and Shape. The header files Domain.h Point.h Shape.h are provided and must not be modified. The programs testPoint.cpp , testShape.cpp and checkpack.cpp are provided and must not be modified. All source files should compile without warning. The executables should build without warning. You must implement the classes Domain (file Domain.cpp) Point (file Point.cpp) and the classes Circle and Rectangle (file Shape.cpp).
You must provide a Makefile that builds all executables by using the command
$ make
Input for the checkpack program is read from standard input. Each line of input defines a shape to be added to the domain. The first character on each line determines whether the shape is a circle ('C') or a rectangle (R). The position and size of the shape is described by integers in the rest of the input line.
A rectangle is specified by the position of its lower left corner, its width and its height.
Example: Rectangle with corners at (10,20), (40,20), (40,60), (10,60)
R 10 20 30 40
A circle is specified by the position of its center and its radius
Example: Circle centered at position (30,40) with radius 20
C 30 40 20
It can be assumed that input will consist of valid characters (only 'R' or C) and the appropriate number of positive integers.
The checkpack program should be used as follows:
$ ./checkpack < > test.svg
It must be possible to visualize the file test.svg using a browser (Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
The program checkpack should reproduce exactly the example svg files provided when using the provided input files. Use the Unix diff function to check for differences.
The Point class represents a point in the x-y plane, using integer coordinates x and y. Point objects can be added and subtracted, and the square of the norm of a point can be calculated (the square of the norm is computed rather than the norm, in order to perform all operations with integer arithmetic, and avoid the use of a square root function).
operator>> should read two ints from an input stream to set the values of members x and y.
operator<< should print the point to an output stream in the following format (for example if x=3 and y=4): (3,4)
The Domain class defines the rectangular region of fixed size (600x500) in which the shapes are packed.
void addShape(const Shape* p) is a function used to add a Shape pointer to the vector of Shape pointers s.
void draw(void) is a function that generates the entire svg output. It first checks whether all shapes fit into the Domain (hint: this can be done by defining a Rectangle object representing the domain and using the Shapes' fits_in functions). It checks whether there are overlaps between shapes (using the Shapes overlaps functions). On the basis of these tests, it determines the diagnostic message ("ok", overlap or does not fit). It then prints the svg header, the svg representations of all shapes (using the Shapes draw() functions), the diagnostic message, and the svg trailer on standard output. See the example test output svg files for details about the svg output format and the contents of the svg header and trailer.
The Shape class is an abstract base class from which Rectangle and Circle are derived. bool fits_in(const Rectangle& r) is a pure virtual function that should return true if the Shape fits in the Rectangle r.
void draw(void) is a pure virtual function that writes the svg description of the Shape on standard output.
The Rectangle class is derived from Shape and represents a rectangle. The position of the Rectangle is its lower left corner.
void draw(void) is a virtual function that writes the svg description of the Rectangle on standard output, e.g. < rect x="50" y="70" width="25" height="80"/>
The Circle class is derived from Shape and describes a circle. The position of the Circle is its center.
void draw(void) is a virtual function that writes the svg description of the Circle on standard output, e.g. < circle cx="10" cy="30" r="50"/>