Requirements of this Lab

To complete this lab, it is strictly forbidden for you to use any library class.

  • Here are some examples of forbidden classes/methods: Arrays class (e.g., Arrays.copyOf), System class (e.g., System.arrayCopy), ArrayList class, String class (e.g., substring).
  • The use of some library classes does not require an import statement, but these classes are also forbidden to be used.
  • Here are the exceptions (library methods which you are allowed to use if needed):
    • String class (equals, format)

For the JUnit test class given to you:

  • Do not modify the test methods given to you.
  • You are allowed to add new test methods.

Derived from the given JUnit test methods:

  • Each class you introduce and implement must be placed under the model package.
  • Do not add any class that is not required by the starter tests.
  • All attributes you declare must be private. Use public accessors/mutators if needed.
  • Besides the required methods required by the starter tests, you are free to implement additional public/private helper methods as you see fit.
  • For each method you implement:
    • No System.out.println statements should appear in it.
    • No Scanner operations (e.g., input.nextInt()) should appear in it.
    • Instead, declare input parameters of the method as indicated by the JUnit tests.

Programming Tasks

From the Package Explorer of Eclipse, your imported project has the following structure.

  • The console_apps package is empty. You may add new console application classes here to test the implemented methods if you wish. However, these added console application classes will not be graded.
  • It is expected that the StarterTests JUnit class contains compilation errors. This is because that declarations and definitions of the required class(es) and method(s) it references are missing.
  • The model package is empty. Class(es) and method(s) derived from the given JUnit class must be added to this package. Class(es) added to a package other than model will not be graded.

Therefore, your tasks are:

  • Inferring from the given JUnit tests, add the missing class(es) and method(s) into the model package. For example, if you add class Foo in the model package, make sure that you write a line in the beginning of the StarterTests class (after the line package junit_tests;):
import model.Foo;
  • Pass all JUnit tests given to you (i.e., a green bar). To run them, right click on and run it as JUnit tests. Of course, none of the given tests would pass to begin with.

You must not modify the JUnit tests, as they suggest how the intended class(es) and method(s) should be declared.

How do Deal with Failed JUnit Test? From the JUnit panel from Eclipse, click on the failed test, then doubly click on the first line underneath Failure Trace, then you can see the expected value versus the return value from your implemented method. Furthermore, when needed, you should add a breakpoint at the line of the failing assertion, then launch the debugger to pinpoint where the error came from.

The Building Design Problem

You are required to develop an object-oriented program solving a simplified building design problem, where a building blueprint consists of plans for floors, and each floor plan contains specifications of various units.

Figure 1: An Example 3-Floor Building Blueprint: see image.

Here are the relevant entities involved in this problem:

  • Each unit is characterized by its intended function (e.g., Master Bedroom, Office) and dimension (width x length). Default measurement, when first creating a unit object, is in feet, whereas a user may request it to be switched to one in meters. Two units are considered equal if their intended functions are the same (case-sensitive) and their areas (in square feet) are the same (even if the dimensions may be different). You are required to use the following formula for conversion: 1 foot is 0.3048 meter.
  • Each floor is characterized by a maximum capacity (measure in square feet, abbreviated as sq ft) and a list of added units (whose summed amount of space does not exceed, i.e., <, the maximum capacity). A floor may be added up to and including 20 units to a floor (and you need not perform error handling for this). In an attempt to add a unit whose space is such that the floor's maximum capacity will be exceed, an exception is expected. Two floors are considered equal if: 1) their maximum capacities are the same; and 2) their spaces are utilized in the same way (meaning that for each added unit in one floor, we can find its equivalent in the other floor, despite the orders in which units are added to the two floors).
  • Each building blueprint is characterized by the number of floors (of the building under design) and a list of added floor plans. You can assume that the current number of added floor plans always dose not exceed, i.e., <= , the specified number of floors. Given a blueprint, one may inquire about its completion rate (e.g., 60% if plans for 3 out of the 5 floors have been added). One may retrieve the list of floor plans added so far, but the property of composition should be preserved: each of the retrieved floor plans is a brand new copy of the corresponding floor object. One may also create a blueprint from another, by copying all the relevant attributes. To determine whether a shallow copy or a deep copy is needed, consult with the starter tests.


  • Other intended functionalities of the above kinds of entities/objects can be inferred from the: 1) given JUnit test method; and 2) comments in class StarterTests.
  • Error handling (via exceptions) is only required if it is either explicitly mentioned in the above problem description or test comments, or indicated by the JUnit tests.
  • For each of the above-mentioned maximum capacities, no error handling is needed when the limit is exceeded. For example, where the maximum capacity is 200, given that the private, primitive array is created with the corresponding size, attempting to add an 201st object is expected to result in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

package junit_tests;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Test;

import model.Blueprint;
import model.Floor;
import model.InsufficientFloorSpaceException;
import model.Unit;

* Requirement: Any classes you create must reside in the `model` package and be imported properly.
* For example, creating a new class `Foo` in the `model` package should result in:
* import model.Foo;
* All attributes you declare in the model classes must be private.
* If necessary, define public accessors/getters and/or mutators/setters for these private attributes.

public class StarterTests {
* Programming Requirements:
* - You are only allowed to use primitive arrays (e.g., int[], String[], Product[])
* for declaring attributes and implementing the idea of collections.
* - Any use of a Java library class or method is forbidden
* (that is, use selections and loops to build your solution from scratch instead):
* - Here are some examples of forbidden classes/methods:
* - Arrays class (e.g., Arrays.copyOf)
* - System class (e.g., System.arrayCopy)
* - ArrayList class
* - String class (e.g., substring).
* - The use of some library classes does not require an import statement,
* but these classes are also forbidden to be used.
* - Here are the exceptions (library methods which you are allowed to use if needed):
* - String class (equals, format)
* Violating the above programming requirements will result in a penalty (see lab instructions for details).
* Tests included in this class serve as documentation on how instances of an Apple AppStore operates.
* Before attempting this lab, it is expected that you already completed background study materials:
* 1. Review Tutorial Series on OOP in Java (Part 1 and Part 2):
* 2. Written Notes on Reference-Typed, Multi-Valued Attributes:
* 3. Written Notes on Inferring Classes from JUnit Tests:
* Be sure to also read the following sections from your Lab1 instructions PDF:
* - The `Requirements of this Lab` section (page 3)
* - Section 2.3 The Building Design Problem
* - Section 2.4 Hints and Requirements
* Programming IDEs such as Eclipse are able to fix some compilation errors for you.
* However, you are advised to follow the guidance as specified in the written notes above
* to fix these compilation errors manually, because:
* 1) it helps you better understand how the intended classes and methods work together; and
* 2) you may be tested in a written test or exam without the assistance of IDEs.

* Tests related to the Unit class.

public void test_unit_01() {
* Create a new unit with its intended function and dimension (width by length).
* By default, both the width and length are measured in feet.
* Assumption: For simplicity, each value of feet is specified as an integer.
Unit unit = new Unit("Master Room", 14, 9);
assertEquals("A unit of 126 square feet (14' wide and 9' long) functioning as Master Room", unit.toString());

public void test_unit_02() {
* Create a new unit with its intended function and dimension (width by length).
Unit unit = new Unit("Master Room", 14, 9);

* Change the measurement from feet to meters.
* Notes:
* - Use this conversion formula: One foot is equal to 0.3048 meter.
* - Each value of meters and square meters should be displayed with 2 digits after the decimal point.

assertEquals("A unit of 11.71 square meters (4.27 m wide and 2.74 m long) functioning as Master Room", unit.toString());

* Change the measurement from meters to feet.
assertEquals("A unit of 126 square feet (14' wide and 9' long) functioning as Master Room", unit.toString());

public void test_unit_03() {
* Create three new units with their intended functions and dimensions.
Unit u1 = new Unit("Master Bedroom", 14, 9);
Unit u2 = new Unit("Master Bedroom", 18, 7);
Unit u3 = new Unit("Master Bedroom", 18, 8);
Unit u4 = new Unit("Office", 18, 7);

assertEquals("A unit of 126 square feet (14' wide and 9' long) functioning as Master Bedroom", u1.toString());
assertEquals("A unit of 126 square feet (18' wide and 7' long) functioning as Master Bedroom", u2.toString());
assertEquals("A unit of 144 square feet (18' wide and 8' long) functioning as Master Bedroom", u3.toString());
assertEquals("A unit of 126 square feet (18' wide and 7' long) functioning as Office", u4.toString());

* Two units are considered equal if their intended functions are the same (case-sensitive)
* and the areas (in square feet) are the same (even if the dimensions may be different).
assertEquals(u1, u2);
/* Note. Result of assertNotEquals is just the opposite to assertEquals. */
assertNotEquals(u1, u3);
assertNotEquals(u1, u4);
assertNotEquals(u2, u3);
assertNotEquals(u2, u4);

* The above assertions do not cover all cases of the equals method as discussed in the lecture.
* Your implementation of the overridden equals method should cover them.

* Tests related to the Floor class.

public void test_floor_01() {
* Create a floor with some fixed capacity measured in square feet.
Floor f = new Floor(500);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 0 sq ft (500 sq ft remaining): []", f.toString());

public void test_floor_02() {
* Create a floor with some fixed capacity measured in square feet.
Floor f = new Floor(500);
try {
* Add units into a floor (which will not exceed the specified maximum capacity).
* Note. The dimension of the unit is specified in feet.
* See the lab manual for the maximum number of units allowed for a floor (no error handling needed).
f.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 18, 8);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 144 sq ft (356 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 144 sq ft (18' by 8')]", f.toString());
f.addUnit("Office", 18, 7);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 270 sq ft (230 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 144 sq ft (18' by 8'), Office: 126 sq ft (18' by 7')]", f.toString());
catch(InsufficientFloorSpaceException e) {
fail("Unexpected exception thrown");

* Attempting to add to the floor a new unit which would result in the specified maximum capacity being exceeded,
* in which case an exception is thrown and no change should be made the floor.
try {
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 270 sq ft (230 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 144 sq ft (18' by 8'), Office: 126 sq ft (18' by 7')]", f.toString());
f.addUnit("Kitchen", 29, 8);
fail("Expected exception not thrown");
catch(InsufficientFloorSpaceException e) {
/* Expected exception thrown and no change has been made to the floor. */
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 270 sq ft (230 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 144 sq ft (18' by 8'), Office: 126 sq ft (18' by 7')]", f.toString());

public void test_floor_03() {
* Create two floor with some fixed capacities measured in square feet.
Floor f1 = new Floor(500);
Floor f2 = new Floor(750);

* Two floors are not considered equal if their maximum capacities are different.
assertNotEquals(f1, f2);

public void test_floor_04() {
* Create two floor with some fixed capacities measured in square feet.
Floor f1 = new Floor(500);
Floor f2 = new Floor(500);

* Two floors are considered equal if:
* 1. their maximum capacities are the same; and
* 2. their spaces are utilized in the same way
* (meaning that for each added unit in one floor, we can find its equivalent in the other floor)
* For 2, the orders in which units are added to the two floors do not matter.
assertEquals(f1, f2);

try {
f1.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 14, 9);
f1.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 14, 9);
f1.addUnit("Office", 8, 12);
f1.addUnit("Kitchen", 9, 10);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 438 sq ft (62 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (14' by 9'), Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (14' by 9'), Office: 96 sq ft (8' by 12'), Kitchen: 90 sq ft (9' by 10')]", f1.toString());

f2.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 7, 18);
f2.addUnit("Office", 16, 6);
f2.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 7, 18);
f2.addUnit("Kitchen", 9, 10);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 438 sq ft (62 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (7' by 18'), Office: 96 sq ft (16' by 6'), Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (7' by 18'), Kitchen: 90 sq ft (9' by 10')]", f2.toString());

* Floors f1 and f2 are utilized in the same way (despite the added orders of units):
* + 2 master bedrooms, each of 126'
* + 1 office of 96'
* + 1 kitchen of 90'
assertEquals(f1, f2);
catch(InsufficientFloorSpaceException e) {
fail("Unexpected exception thrown");
* The above assertions do not cover all cases of the equals method as discussed in the lecture.
* Your implementation of the overridden equals method should cover them.

public void test_floor_05a() {
* Create two floor with some fixed capacities measured in square feet.
Floor f1 = new Floor(500);
Floor f2 = new Floor(500);

try {
f1.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 14, 9);
f1.addUnit("Office", 8, 12);
f1.addUnit("Kitchen", 9, 10);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 312 sq ft (188 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (14' by 9'), Office: 96 sq ft (8' by 12'), Kitchen: 90 sq ft (9' by 10')]", f1.toString());

f2.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 7, 18);
f2.addUnit("Office", 16, 6);
f2.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 7, 18);
f2.addUnit("Kitchen", 9, 10);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 438 sq ft (62 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (7' by 18'), Office: 96 sq ft (16' by 6'), Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (7' by 18'), Kitchen: 90 sq ft (9' by 10')]", f2.toString());

* Floors f1 and f2 are utilized differently (despite the added orders of units):
* + In f2 one of the master bedrooms of 126 sq ft cannot be found for its equivalent in f1.
assertNotEquals(f1, f2);
catch(InsufficientFloorSpaceException e) {
fail("Unexpected exception thrown");
* The above assertions do not cover all cases of the equals method as discussed in the lecture.
* Your implementation of the overridden equals method should cover them.

public void test_floor_05b() {
* Create two floor with some fixed capacities measured in square feet.
Floor f1 = new Floor(500);
Floor f2 = new Floor(500);

try {
f1.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 14, 9);
f1.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 13, 9);
f1.addUnit("Office", 8, 12);
f1.addUnit("Kitchen", 9, 10);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 429 sq ft (71 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (14' by 9'), Master Bedroom: 117 sq ft (13' by 9'), Office: 96 sq ft (8' by 12'), Kitchen: 90 sq ft (9' by 10')]", f1.toString());

f2.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 7, 18);
f2.addUnit("Office", 16, 6);
f2.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 7, 18);
f2.addUnit("Kitchen", 9, 10);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 438 sq ft (62 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (7' by 18'), Office: 96 sq ft (16' by 6'), Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (7' by 18'), Kitchen: 90 sq ft (9' by 10')]", f2.toString());

* Floors f1 and f2 are utilized differently (despite the added orders of units):
* + f1 has two master bedrooms of different sizes
* + f2 has two master bedrooms of the same size
assertNotEquals(f1, f2);
catch(InsufficientFloorSpaceException e) {
fail("Unexpected exception thrown");
* The above assertions do not cover all cases of the equals method as discussed in the lecture.
* Your implementation of the overridden equals method should cover them.

* Tests related to the Blueprint class.

public void test_blueprint_01() {
* Create the blueprint for a 7-floor building.
Blueprint bp = new Blueprint(7);

* Show the percentage of the building blueprint being completed
* (based on the number of floor plans added).
* The percentage value should be displayed with 1 digit after the decimal point.
assertEquals("0.0 percents of building blueprint completed (0 out of 7 floors)", bp.toString());

Floor f1 = new Floor(500);
Floor f2 = new Floor(500);

* Add units to the two floors, before adding them to the blueprint.
try {
* Error checking on argument values of the `addUnit` method is not needed.
f1.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 14, 9);
f1.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 13, 9);
f1.addUnit("Office", 8, 12);
f1.addUnit("Kitchen", 9, 10);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 429 sq ft (71 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (14' by 9'), Master Bedroom: 117 sq ft (13' by 9'), Office: 96 sq ft (8' by 12'), Kitchen: 90 sq ft (9' by 10')]", f1.toString());

f2.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 7, 18);
f2.addUnit("Office", 16, 6);
f2.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 7, 18);
f2.addUnit("Kitchen", 9, 10);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 438 sq ft (62 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (7' by 18'), Office: 96 sq ft (16' by 6'), Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (7' by 18'), Kitchen: 90 sq ft (9' by 10')]", f2.toString());
catch(InsufficientFloorSpaceException e) {
fail("Unexpected exception thrown");

assertEquals("14.3 percents of building blueprint completed (1 out of 7 floors)", bp.toString());
assertEquals("28.6 percents of building blueprint completed (2 out of 7 floors)", bp.toString());

* Retrieve the list of floor plans.
Floor[] fs = bp.getFloors();
assertEquals(2, fs.length);

* The accessor `getFloors` should preserve composition:
* the returned floor plans are not to be shared with the blueprint `bp`.
assertNotSame(fs[0], f1);
assertEquals(fs[0], f1);

assertNotSame(fs[1], f2);
assertEquals(fs[1], f2);


public void test_blueprint_02() {
* Create the blueprint for a 7-floor building.
Blueprint bp1 = new Blueprint(7);

* Show the percentage of the building blueprint being completed
* (based on the number of floor plans added).
* The percentage value should be displayed with 1 digit after the decimal point.
assertEquals("0.0 percents of building blueprint completed (0 out of 7 floors)", bp1.toString());

Floor f1 = new Floor(500);
Floor f2 = new Floor(500);

* Add units to the two floors, before adding them to the blueprint.
try {
* Error checking on argument values of the `addUnit` method is not needed.
f1.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 14, 9);
f1.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 13, 9);
f1.addUnit("Office", 8, 12);
f1.addUnit("Kitchen", 9, 10);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 429 sq ft (71 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (14' by 9'), Master Bedroom: 117 sq ft (13' by 9'), Office: 96 sq ft (8' by 12'), Kitchen: 90 sq ft (9' by 10')]", f1.toString());

f2.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 7, 18);
f2.addUnit("Office", 16, 6);
f2.addUnit("Master Bedroom", 7, 18);
f2.addUnit("Kitchen", 9, 10);
assertEquals("Floor's utilized space is 438 sq ft (62 sq ft remaining): [Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (7' by 18'), Office: 96 sq ft (16' by 6'), Master Bedroom: 126 sq ft (7' by 18'), Kitchen: 90 sq ft (9' by 10')]", f2.toString());
catch(InsufficientFloorSpaceException e) {
fail("Unexpected exception thrown");

assertEquals("14.3 percents of building blueprint completed (1 out of 7 floors)", bp1.toString());
assertEquals("28.6 percents of building blueprint completed (2 out of 7 floors)", bp1.toString());

* Create a new building blueprint from another.
Blueprint bp2 = new Blueprint(bp1);

* Retrieve the list of floor plans from the blueprint `bp1`.
Floor[] fs1 = bp1.getFloors();
assertEquals("28.6 percents of building blueprint completed (2 out of 7 floors)", bp2.toString());
assertEquals(2, fs1.length);

* Retrieve the list of floor plans from the new blueprint `bp2`.
Floor[] fs2 = bp2.getFloors();
assertEquals("28.6 percents of building blueprint completed (2 out of 7 floors)", bp2.toString());
assertEquals(2, fs2.length);

* The accessor `getFloors` should preserve composition:
* the returned floor plans are not to be shared with
* either the blueprint `bp1` or the blueprint `bp2`.
assertNotSame(fs2[0], f1);
assertEquals(fs2[0], f1);

assertNotSame(fs1[0], fs2[0]);
assertEquals(fs1[0], fs2[0]);

assertNotSame(fs2[1], f2);
assertEquals(fs2[1], f2);

assertNotSame(fs1[1], fs2[1]);
assertEquals(fs1[1], fs2[1]);
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