This assignment is using characters and strings in C++
I think its mentioned but this C++ assignment is regarding characters and strings, if that makes sense.
You will also write additional code to validate each input as well as compare that two emails entered are the same.
// This code segment is to read the email address from the user and
// then validate if this is a valid email address
// … that is only alphabets and numbers; no special characters, except @ _ - .
char email1[80], email2[80];
cout << “Please enter email address: ” ;
cin >> email1;
// a) validate email address #1 to make sure that it contains legal characters
// if not, print-out “Illegal email address, please re-enter”
cout << “Please re-confirm email address: ”;
cin >> email2;
// b) validate email address #2 to make sure that it contains legal characters
// if not, print-out “Illegal email address, please re-enter”
// c) compare two emails, if they are the same then print-out “EMAIL CONFIRMED”
// otherwise, print-out “EMAIL NOT CONFIRMED”