Body mass index is a measure of whether someone’s weight is appropriate for their height. A body-mass-index value between 19 and 25 is considered to be in the normal range. Here’s the formula for calculating body mass index:
bmi = 704 x weightInPounds / heightInInches2
Implement a program that prompts the user for height and weight values and displays the associated body mass index.
Perform input validation by making sure that the user enters a positive integer number for feet, a nonnegative decimal number for inches, and a positive decimal number for weight. See the sample session for details. In particular, note the format for the echo-printed height and weight values and for the generated body-mass-index value.
A sample run of the program is shown below. (Note: Bold texts are user input.)
Welcome to the body mass calculator!
Enter height using feet space inches (e.g., 5 6.25): hi there
Invalid feet value. Must be an integer.
Invalid inches value. Must be a decimal number.
Re-enter height using feet space inches (e.g., 5 6.25): 0 9
Invalid feet value. Must be positive.
Re-enter height using feet space inches (e.g., 5 6.25): 5.25 0
Invalid feet value. Must be an integer.
Re-enter height using feet space inches (e.g., 5 6.25): 5 9.25
Enter weight in pounds: 0
Invalid pounds value. Must be positive.
Re-enter weight in pounds: 150.5
height = 5'-9.25"
weight = 150.5 pounds
body mass index = 22.1
Thank you, good bye!
Many companies use telephone numbers like 555-GET-FOOD so the number is easier for their customers to remember. On a standard telephone, the alphabetic letters are mapped to number in the following fashion:
A, B, and C = 2
D, E, and F = 3
G, H, and I = 4
J, K, and L = 5
M, N, and O = 6
P, Q, R, and S = 7
T, U, and V = 8
W, X, Y, and Z = 9
Write an application that asks the user to enter a 10-character telephone number (in any format such as: XXXXXXXXXX, (XXX) XXX-XXXX, or XXX-XXX-XXXX). The application should display the telephone number with any alphabetic characters that appear in the original translated appropriately to their numeric equivalent. For example, if the user enters 555-GETFOOD the application should display 555-438-3663.