This assignment intends to familiarize you with system calls such as fork, exec, wait, exit and etc., to spawn and terminate other user programs.


This assignment builds on programming assignment#0, so you must have two executable files ready: testalphabet and testspecial under ~/programming/zero folder before taking this assignment.

You will be provided two new files:


Your assignment is to write code in mulproc.c to fork two child processes running the two programs testalphabet and testspecial generated in programming assignment#0 in parallel.

Detailed Requirements:

1) Spawn exactly two child processes, one is to run testspecial program and the other is to run testalphabet program;

2) When a child process starts executing a program, print a message to the output screen showing which child process (with PID) is running this program (with program name), for example:

"CHILD < PID: 16741> process is executing testalphabet program!"

3) When one child process finishes executing a program, this child process should be terminated, and at the same time, a message should be print to the output screen showing which process (with PID) is done with this program (with program name), for example:

"CHILD < PID: 16741> process has done with testalphabet program !"

4) The messages should match the real execution orders, i.e. when the testspecial program starts/ends, the right message should pop up immediately. Hence, you need to track the starting/ending point of each child process.

The expected screen printing should be similar as follows:

CHILD < PID: 16741> process is executing testalphabet program!
CHILD < PID: 16742> process is executing testspecial program!
, -> 745668
. -> 798072
... ...
CHILD < PID: 16742> process has done with testspecial program! See the results
a -> 2973036
b -> 556908
... ...
CHILD < PID: 16741> process has done with testalphabet program! See the results above!

Note: Feel free to do any change of the file (fill the code, create new functions and etc). You also can create new .h and .c files (but I don't think you really need).

Your program must execute correctly on Edoras machine, the instructor will type the following commands to test your code:

make// generate executable file mulproc
./mulproc // two child processes will be generated to run testspecial and
testalphabet programs as stated above.
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