Write a program called Life.java that simulates the Game of Life.
The user must be able to provide these 3 things, in this order, and as arguments when executing the program from Console:
Do not ask the user to enter the arguments after the program has begun execution, and do not ask for them in the graphical display. It's important that you learn how tow write programs that accept command line arguments - look at the Code and Demos to see how to do that.
Here are the layouts for the lightweight spaceship and pulsar patterns respectively: see image.
And here's how they should behave when the program runs: see image.
The program will use a graphical display to show the iterations. There should be sufficient delay between each iteration for the user to be able to see what's happening (not too fast, not too slow!), and the user should be able to see the individual cells (don't draw them too small).
The grid should wrap around.
Example run command in Console: java Life 500 100 R will run Life for 500 iterations with a grid size of 100 x 100, beginning with a random initial pattern of cells.