Lab Goal : This lab was designed to teach you more about arrays. You will need to use a variable, if statement, and a loop.
Lab Description : Write a program that return the first 3 numbers greater than 11. If there are fewer than 3 numbers greater than 11, then return as many as you find. You will always return an array size 3. Zeroes will fill the array if there are not 3 numbers greater than 11. You must use lab0 to read in the array values and print them out.
Sample Data
Sample Output - array
[12345, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0]
[20, 30, 40]
[32767, 0, 0]
[255, 255, 0]
[100, 1000, 0]
[456, 0, 0]
[20, 30, 0]
[0, 0, 0]
[12, 15, 18]
[250, 19, 17]
[10000, 1000, 0]