This project will require you to use a simple search form in HTML to accept a search string and display the results from the google maps API based on that search string. You will be filtering the results and only showing the ones that have a high rating.
1.Generate a key to enable you to use the Google maps API
2.In the Starter zip file attached, edit the app.js file, set up the following URL in a variable -< your key here>
3.Set up a click event for the button
4.In the click event, you will add a query string to this url having the value of the search string. Ex.< your key here>&query=theaters in california where the search string is "theaters in california".
5.Then you will make a JSON call using this URL and parse the results to build the HTML
6.You should filter your results to display only those places that have rating >= 4.0.
7.You should display the name of the place in bold, the address and the rating and any other relevant info you would like to display.
8.Display a < hr> between each result.
9.Formulate your HTML and then populate it in the html in the div having id googleResults.
This shows the result of all theaters in California having rating >= 4. see image.