V(StateGraph) = {Oregon, Alaska, Texas, Hawaii, Vermont, NewYork, California} E(StateGraph) = {(Alaska, Oregon), (Hawaii, Alaska), (Hawaii, Texas), (Texas, Hawaii), (Hawaii, California), (Hawaii, New York), (Texas, Vermont), (Vermont, California), (Vermont, Alaska)}
1. Draw the StateGraph
2. a. Is there a path from Oregon to any other state in the graph?
b. Is there a path from Hawaii to every other state in the graph?
c. From which state(s) in the graph is there a path to Hawaii?
3. a. Show the adjacency matrix that would describe the edges in the graph. Store the vertices in alphabetical order
b. show the adjacency lists that would describe the edges in the graph
Graph Nodes: see image.
4 a. Which of the following lists the graph nodes in depth first order beginning with E?
A) E, G, F, C, D, B, A
B) G, A, E, C, B, F, D
C) E, G, A, D, F, C, B
D) E, C, F, B, A, D, G
4 b. Which of the following lists the graph nodes in breadth first order beginning at F?
A) F, C, D, A, B, E, G
B) F, D, C, A, B, C, G
C) F, C, D, B, G, A, E
D) a, b, and c are all breadth first traversals
City Nodes: see image.
5. Find the shortest distance from Atlanta to every other city