Project 2 is a continuation of the calculator graphical user interface program that you wrote in project 1. Enhance the calculator program to accomplish the following 4 operations.
Perform addition function using the calculator graphical user interface. Write code to add a plus (+) button in calculator graphical interface, and write code so that two numbers can be added, when the plus button is pressed.
Perform subtraction function using the calculator graphical user interface. Write code to add a minus (-) button in calculator graphical interface, and write code so that you can subtract one number from the other, when the minus button is pressed.
Perform multiplication function using the calculator graphical user interface. Write code to add a multiplication (x) button in calculator graphical interface, and write code so that two numbers can be multiplied, when the multiplication button is pressed.
Perform division function using calculator graphical user interface. Write code to add a divide (/) button in calculator graphical interface, and write code so that two numbers can be divided, when the division button is pressed. Handle error condition raised, if divided by zero. In other words, the program should not terminate, or throw exception, if the user is trying to divide by zero. Instead, the calculator will say Cannot divide by zero.