Use the implementation of the hash_example.cpp and do the following modifications:
Provide test code that declares and populates a container and then demonstrates the operation of the functions you implemented.
// demoes hashmap implementation
#include "hashmap.h"
#include < iostream>
#include < string>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
int main()
// Test the safe insert
// Expect insert successful since "One" is unique
pairresult = numbers.insert(pair (1, 1));
if (result.second)
cout << "Insert of <1, 1> returned positive response... test ok." << endl;
if (*result.first != 1)
cout << "After insert of <1, 1> it returned the value 1... test failed." << endl;
cout << "After insert of <1, 1> it did not return the value 1... test ok." << endl;
cout << "Insert of <1, 1> returned negative response... test failed." << endl;
// Re-insert a "One" but should fail because it is not unique
result = numbers.insert(pair(1, 2));
if (result.second)
cout << "Insert of <1, 2> returned a positive response... test failed." << endl;
// Test the indexing operator still works
cout << "numbers[1] = " << numbers[1] << " ... expected value should be 1" << endl;
// Test erase
result = numbers.erase(1);
if (result.second)
cout << "Remove 1 returned a positve response... test ok." << endl;
if (*result.first != 1)
cout << "After remove, the removed value is 1... test ok." << endl;
cout << "After remove, the removed value is not 1... test failed." << endl;
cout << "Remove 1 returned a positive response... test failed." << endl;
// Populate the hashmap
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
cout << "Insert <" << i << ", " << i << ">..." << endl;
numbers.insert(pair(i, i));
// Retrieve
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
cout << "numbers[" << i << "] = " << numbers[i] << "... expected value should be " << i << endl;
// Rehash test
cout << "Rehashing, numbers.rehash(5)" << endl;
// Retrieve
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
cout << "numbers[" << i << "] = " << numbers[i] << "... expected value should be " << i << endl;
return 0;
// implementation basic hashmap (unordered container)
#include < cstddef>
#include < utility>
#include < functional>
#include < vector>
#include < list>
using std::vector;
using std::list;
using std::pair;
using std::make_pair;
// hash function implemented as a class
// any Hash Class must provide
// two methods: hash() and numBuckets().
template < typename T>
class DefaultHash {
DefaultHash(size_t numBuckets = defaultNumBuckets);
size_t hash(const T & key) const;
size_t numBuckets() const { return numBuckets_; }
// default number of buckets in the hash
static const size_t defaultNumBuckets = 101;
size_t numBuckets_;
template < typename T>
DefaultHash< T>::DefaultHash(size_t numBuckets) : numBuckets_(numBuckets) {}
// uses the division method for hashing.
// treats the key as a sequence of bytes, sums the ASCII
// values of the bytes, and mods the total by the number
// of buckets.
// note, this function does not work for C++ strings
template < typename T>
size_t DefaultHash< T>::hash(const T& key) const {
size_t res = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(key); ++i) {
const unsigned char b =
*(reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char*>(&key) + i);
res += b;
return res % numBuckets_;
// container class
template < typename Key, typename Value,
typename Compare = std::equal_to< Key>,
typename Hash = DefaultHash< Key >>
class hashmap {
typedef pair< const Key, Value> Element;
// constructor
// invokes constructors for comparison and hash objects
hashmap(const Compare& comp = Compare(),
const Hash& hash = Hash());
Element* find(const Key& x); // returns pointer to element with key x,
// nullptr if not found
pair< Value *, bool> insert(const Element& x); // inserts the key/value pair
pair< Value *, bool> erase(const Key& x); // erases element with key x, if exists
Value& operator[] (const Key& x); // returns reference on value of
// element with key, inserts if does not exist
void rehash(size_t n);
// helper function for various searches
typename list< Element>::iterator findElement(const Key& x, const size_t bucket);
size_t size_; // number of elements in the container
Compare comp_; // comparison functor, equal_to by default
Hash hash_; // hash functor
// hash contents: vector of buckets
// each bucket is a list containing key->value pairs
vector< list< Element>> elems_;
// container member functions
// Construct elems_ with the number of buckets.
template < typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Hash>
hashmap< Key, Value, Compare, Hash>::hashmap(
const Compare& comp, const Hash& hash) :
size_(0), comp_(comp), hash_(hash) {
elems_ = vector< list< Element>>(hash_.numBuckets());
// helper function
template < typename Key, typename Value,
typename Compare, typename Hash>
typename list< pair< const Key, Value>>::iterator // return type
hashmap< Key, Value, Compare, Hash>::findElement(const Key& x, size_t bucket) {
// look for the key in the bucket
for (auto it = elems_[bucket].begin(); it != elems_[bucket].end(); ++it)
if (comp_(it->first, x))
return it;
return elems_[bucket].end(); // element not found
// returns a pointer to the element with key x
// returns nullptr if no element with this key
template < typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Hash>
typename hashmap< Key, Value, Compare, Hash>::Element* // return value type
hashmap< Key, Value, Compare, Hash>::find(const Key& x) {
size_t bucket = hash_.hash(x);
auto it = findElement(x, bucket); // use the findElement() helper
if (it != elems_[bucket].end())
// found the element. Return a pointer to it.
return &(*it); // dereference the iterator to list
// then take the address of list element
else // didn't find the element -- return nullptr
return nullptr;
// finds the element with key x, inserts an
// element with that key if none exists yet. Returns a reference to
// the value corresponding to that key.
template < typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Hash>
pair< Value *, bool> hashmap< Key, Value, Compare, Hash>::insert(const Element& x)
// TO DO
// removes the Element with key x, if it exists
template < typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Hash>
pair< Value *, bool> hashmap< Key, Value, Compare, Hash>::erase(const Key& x)
// TO DO
// returns reference to value of element with key x,
// inserts if does not exist
template < typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Hash>
Value& hashmap< Key, Value, Compare, Hash>::operator[] (const Key& x) {
// TO DO
// Re-hash the elements with a new size
template < typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Hash>
void hashmap< Key, Value, Compare, Hash>::rehash(size_t n)
// TO DO