Part 1: Update Your Database
Using your submitted Assignment, make any necessary changes to your data dictionary and sample data.
Make sure to complete the following:
Part 2: Provide a Presentation of Your Database Design Project.
Your database design project will be the basis for a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
In the PowerPoint, begin with a brief introduction of the database. Review the entities and business rules and ERD.
Review any design decisions that you would like to highlight. Detail the process you followed to ensure the database was in 3NF. Review any changes you made to the project. Summarize what you learned from your Database Design Project.
The presentation should include 10-12 slides. The first slide must be a title slide, and the final slide must include any references used. Properly attributed sources are essential.
Proper grammar and spelling will be an important part of this part of the Assignment. Please perform a spell check. Create your slides using bullet points and put the text within the notes sections.