Create a class (Shapes) that prompts the user to select a shape to be drawn on the screen.
Objects: Circle, X, box, box with an x inside, or any other object of your choice.
Depending on the user's choice, you will then ask for the number of rows, columns or any requirements needed to draw the shape.
Finally, you will display the shape selected by the user to the screen.
Your class should have at least one instance variable.
Your class needs to check for a correct user input.
Your class most have methods to get/set the value from the instance variables
Your class should have a method to display the shape.
Use the asterisk character to draw the shape.
You must create at least one class without main method. The main method is only for testing your class.
Every time a user creates a shape the output needs to be written to a file.
Create an enumeration (enum) for the Menu method.
Create an Array of object (Shapes) to stores the objects created by the user.
Remember make the array large so that you don't have to run out of space.
This assignment is a continuations of the previous projects.
This assignment is a continuations of the previous projects For this final part of the project you will need to recreate your classes to use INHERITANCE.
You need a new superclass and one or more subclasses for each of the objects. The implementation is for you to decide.
Create a new superclass (Shapes) and it needs to be declared abstract.
Create a new interface class (your choice) that can read the array previouly created. Either the superclass or the subclasses can implemen the interface.
Create one or more Subclasses for each of the objects that will extend from the superclass Shapes.