PART 1 Create a word document then answer the following questions:
PART 2 (Write the Java program)
Write the application that helps the customers access account online. The application allow users to do the following tasks:
The task Balance: display the currentBalance as the following format:
Account Name = Bill Jones
Account Number = 12345
CurrentBalance = $2200.00
Task Deposit: re-calculate the currentBalance by adding a doposit amount to the currentBalance
Account Name = Bill Jones
Account Number = 12345
Deposit = $200.00
CurrentBalance = $2400.00
Task Withdraw: recalculate the currentBalance by subtracting a withdraw amount from the currentBalance. Withdrawing is denied when the current balance < withdraw anount + $25 If withdraw is denied, print out the message:
Account Name = Bill Jones
Account Number = 12345
CurrentBalance = $50
Your withdraw ($30) is denied since you do not have enough money to keep minimum balance $25
If withdrawing is success, print out the following:
Account Name = Bill Jones
Account Number = 12345
Withdraw = $100.00
CurrentBalance = $2300.00
Task Interest: interest is calculated at the end of the month. The formula: endBalance * interestRate
Account Name = Bill Jones
Account Number = 12345
Interest = .12%
Task Bank statement: print out the account information as the following format:
Account Name = Bill Jones
Account Number = 12345
endMonthBalance = $2300.00
Interest (.12% ) = $2.76
CurrentBalance = $2302.76
The program only terminate when the users want to exit and all the calculation will be hidden from the client side.