1.Implement the class Contact which will be used to save basic information about a contact.

2.Implement a utility class PhoneBookUtils which includes static methods to be used by the PhoneBook class when manipulating the contact list.

3.Implement the class PhoneBook, which uses a map data structure to maintain a list of contacts, their emails and their phone numbers.

4.Implement the private inner class PhoneBookIterator which implements Iterable.

5.Students in the honors section will have an additional class to implement for full credit.

6.Write test cases to test each method in the four classes you have implemented.

7.Download and use the tester module to ensure that your program is correct.

8.Prepare the assignment for submission and submit it.

For this project, we will implement an electronic phone book. Like in previous projects, we will build from the ground up by making the phone book classes. We will build up to a tester program which populates the contact list (by reading from an input file) and implement the different methods to check the validity of the application. We will incorporate two more programming techniques into this project: maps (as data structures and recursion.

We will use a HashMap (from the Collections Framework) to store contact information. If we just wanted a list, we could use ArrayList, but by using a map data structure we can maintain a mapping between a key and a value. The key would be a contact's name, while a value entry will contain other information related to the contact (email/phone). Remember that a map does not allow duplicate keys and therefore we get the guarantee that there is only one entry per contact in our data structure. We will also implement recursive algorithms for sorting the list of contacts and also when searching for a contact (recursive insertion sort/binary search).

Finally, in this project, you are expected to write your own test methods to test your code! We will provide you with a sample tester program which you can use for the purpose of testing your own methods. Make sure to write enough test cases for the different scenarios for each method. For instance, what would happen if we try to add a duplicate contact to the hash map? Or what would happen if we invoke the getContactList on an empty list? These border cases must be covered when you are testing your code. Be sure to test your code thoroughly.


  • You may import Java built-in libraries, since this is a project about Collections.
  • You may add your own helper methods or data fields, but they should be private.
  • You may add additional constructors which are public.
  • You may NOT add any extra public methods other than those outlined in this document.
  • Some methods provide specific implementation instructions, such as which methods must or cannot be used, or whether the method must be implemented recursively. These constraints may be verified manually.


public class contact implements Comparable< contact > : This class maintains information for a single contact, namely the following 3 instance variables are defined: name, phone and email, all of type String. Note that this class will be used when defining an entry type for the hash map used in the PhoneBook class. Furthermore, this class implements Comparable which makes instances of this class to be comparable against others. This is useful when we need to call any of the generic methods in the Collection framework which requires a type that is comparable, such as the static method Collections.sort defined in the Collections utility class. Additionally, this class will provide the following public methods:

  • A single parameterized constructor which receive 3 String parameters and use those values to initialize the 3 instance variables defined by the class.
  • Accessor methods (get/set) for the instance variables as follows: getName, get Email, get Phone, setEmail, and set Phone. Only a get method is needed for the name field (names cannot be changed after a contact is created), while both set and get methods are expected for both phone and email.
  • @Override public String toString() : returns a string in the format "NAME, email: EMAIL, phone: PHONE.". Note the dot"." At the end of the line, for example:
> Contact c = new Contact ("Arthur Moddy", "est@temp.com", "703-555-5555");
> System.out.println(c); Arthur Moddy, email: est@temp.com, phone: 703-555-5555.
  • @Override public int compareTo (Contact c) This method will return the result of the comparing the lowercase versions of the name portions of both contacts (a String itself is also a Comparable). More precisely, the method will convert the name of this contact and the name of c's contact to lowercase and invoke the compareTo() method on the former, passing in the latter as an argument to the call. It will return an integer value which is the result of the two name strings comparison.


public final class PhoneBookUtils : this is a utility class, which means that we do not intend to instantiate it at all. Instead, we will use the static helper methods it provides while writing other classes. Examples of other utility classes are java.lang. Math, java.util.Arrays, or even the class we wrote in the first project. Utility classes such as this one are often declared final such that they cannot be subclassed. We will use it to define generic methods with the idea that we could reuse the same methods across a number of different applications.

In our phone book application, the utility class implements the following static methods:

  • public static < KeyType, ValueType > String mapToString (Map < KeyType, ValueType > map): a generic method which receives a Map and returns a string containing all of the the map's "entries." It should use the toString() method of each map entry, and place a newline after each entry so that there is one entry per line.
  • public static < T extends Comparable< T >> String listToSortedList (List < T > list) : a generic method which receives a List and returns a string containing the "entries" in the list in sorted order, separated by newlines so that there is one entry per line. The toString() method of each entry should be used to obtain a string representation. A side effect of the method is that the input list should become sorted. This method may make use of the static helper method Collections.sort.
  • public static < T extends Comparable< T >> void insertionSort (T [] arr, int i) : a generic method which receives an array and sorts the array elements using the insertion sort algorithm. To sort the array, the method should intially be called with an i parameter of 0 or 1. This method must be recursive as follows: when it is called, it should be assumed that the first i elements of the array are already sorted, while the remaining elements may or may not be. The sorted portion of the array will always have at least one element, because any one element is always in sorted order in relation to itself. The recursive step will always place one additional element into sorted order by inserting it into the sorted section, in its proper sorted position, thus increasing the size of the sorted section by one element. Then, it will make a recursive call to sort the remaining elements. In otherwords, the recursive step works by assuming that subset arr[O..i-1] of the array is already sorted, and works on the arr[i..n] (which is the unsorted subset) by inserting first unsorted element (which is a[i]) into the sorted region and incrementing the value of i for each recursive call. The base case is reached once all elements have been placed into sorted order and there is no unsorted portion of the list remaining.
  • public static < T extends Comparable< T >> T binarySearch (T arr[], int begin, int end, T key) : this generic method accepts an array and a key object returns the object contained in the array which matches the search key (using compareTo ()) if found in the index range >= begin and < end, or null if key is not found in that index range. You may assume that the input array is already in sorted order. You may not call built-ins such as Arrays.binarySearch() or Collections.binarySearch() as a part of your solution, and you must implement the binary search algorithm recursively. Here is a sample run for the use of the methods in this class:
> import java.util.*;
> Map< String, Integer > map = new HashMap< String, Integer >();
> map.put("x",1); map.put("y",2); map.put("z",3);
> map {x=1, y=2, Z=3}
> System.out.print (PhoneBookUtils.mapToString (map));
> Integer[] ints = { 3, 8, 5, 4, 1, 9, -2 };
> List< Integer > intList = new ArrayList< Integer > (Arrays.asList (ints));
> System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString (ints));
[3, 8, 5, 4, 1, 9, -2]
> System.out.println(intList);
[3, 8, 5, 4, 1, 9, -2]
> System.out.print (PhoneBookUtils.listToSortedList (intList));
> System.out.println(intList);
[-2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9]
> PhoneBookUtils.insertionSort (ints, 0);
> System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString (ints));
[-2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9]
> System.out.println(PhoneBookUtils.binarySearch (ints, 0, ints.length, 9));
> System.out.println (PhoneBookUtils.binarySearch (ints, 0, ints.length, 45));
> String[] strs = { "Hhh", "CCC", "Fff", "Ttt", "Aaa", "Ddd" };
> List< String > strList = new ArrayList< String > Arrays.asList (strs));
> System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString (strs));
[Hhh, Ccc, Fff, Ttt, Aaa, Ddd]
> System.out.println(strList);
[Hhh, Ccc, Fff, Ttt, Aaa, Ddd]
> System.out.print (PhoneBookUtils.listToSortedList (strList));
> System.out.println(strList);
[Aaa, Ccc, Ddd, Fff, Hhh, Ttt]
> Phone BookUtils.insertionSort (strs, 0);
> System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString (strs));
[Aaa, Ccc, Ddd, Fff, Hhh, Ttt]
> System.out.println (PhoneBookUtils.binarySearch (strs, 0, strs.length, "Fff"));
> System.out.println (PhoneBookUtils.binarySearch (strs, 0, strs.length, "Bebe"));


public class PhoneBook implements Iterable< contact > : Our phonebook class stores a list of contacts using a private HashMap data structure. As discussed in the Overview section, the hashmap would hold values ("entries") which are Contact objects, referenced by keys which are the lowercase version of the contact's name. This class provides the required functionality for maintaining the list of contacts: adding a new contact, updating a contact information, removing a contact, generating a list of all contacts, and sorting contacts by last name. This class can also read a list of contacts from an input file and can create an iterator to the list to be used when traversing the contact list. The PhoneBook class makes use of the available static methods which are available in the PhoneBookUtils class. Here is an example of how this class works:

> Phone Book blackbook = new PhoneBook();
> blackbook.addContact ("Lance Farmer", "sem.egestas@ctus.ca", "1-425-180-9073");
> blackbook.addContact ("Baxter Cantu", "arcu.iculis@iaculis.net","1-606-427-1676");
> blackbook.addContact ("Arthur Moody", "est@temporerat.com", "1-170-451-6998");
> blackbook.addContact ("Petra Wiley", "Morbi.m@duiquis.com", "1-357-588-7644");
> blackbook.addContact ("Forrest Beach", "vulpute@Nuldum.co.uk", "1-117-275-2165");
> blackbook.getContact Info ("Arthur Moody")
"Arthur Moody, email: est@temporerat.com, phone: 1-170-451-6998."
> blackbook.getEmail("Forrest Beach")
"Forrest Beach: vulpute@Nuldum.co.uk."
> blackbook.getPhone ("lAnce FaRmEr") // note capitalization
"Lance Farmer: 1-425-180-9073."
> System.out.println (blackbook.getEmail ("Donald Trump"));
> System.out.println (blackbook.getContactList());
Forrest Beach, email: vulputate@Nullainterdum.co.uk, phone: 1-117-275-2165.
Baxter Cantu, email: arcu.iaculis@iaculis.net, phone: 1-606-427-1676.
Petra Wiley, email: Morbi.metus@duiquis.com, phone: 1-357-588-7644.
Arthur Moody, email: est@temporerat.com, phone: 1-170-451-6998.
Lance Farmer, email: sem.egestas@urnanecluctus.ca, phone: 1-425-180-9073.
> System.out.println (blackbook.getsortedContactList())
Arthur Moody, email: est@temporerat.com, phone: 1-170-451-6998.
Baxter Cantu, email: arcu.iaculis@iaculis.net, phone: 1-606-427-1676.
Forrest Beach, email: vulputate@Nullainterdum.co.uk, phone: 1-117-275-2165.
Lance Farmer, email: sem.egestas@urnanecluctus.ca, phone: 1-425-180-9073.
Petra Wiley, email: Morbi.metus@duiquis.com, phone: 1-357-588-7644.
> System.out.println (blackbook.getsortedContactListAlt())
Arthur Moody, email: est@temporerat.com, phone: 1-170-451-6998.
Baxter Cantu, email: arcu.iaculis@iaculis.net, phone: 1-606-427-1676.
Forrest Beach, email: vulputate@Nullainterdum.co.uk, phone: 1-117-275-2165.
Lance Farmer, email: sem.egestas@urnanecluctus.ca, phone: 1-425-180-9073.
Petra Wiley, email: Morbi.metus@duiquis.com, phone: 1-357-588-7644.
> System.out.println (blackbook. searchContactList ("Petra Wiley"))
Petra Wiley, email: Morbi.metus@duiquis.com, phone: 1-357-588-7644.

All methods which search for a contact by name (including all getters and setters) should be case insensitive, meaning that the method should first convert the name parameter to lowercase before searching for it in the hashmap. This class will have the following public methods:

  • A default constructor.
  • public boolean FileToMap (String filename) : reads contact information from an input file into the hash map. Returns true if the file was successfully read or false otherwise. The method should not throw any exceptions and must handle the possible exception (for example if the file cannot be opened). Entries come in groups of three lines: first a name, then an email address, then a phone number. There are no blank lines between entries (you do not need to check for this or to worry about whether the lines contain properly formated emails or phones). If there are not enough lines in the file for a final entry, then ignore the final one (but still return true). Here is an example of how data fields would appear in an input file (first-name last-name on one line, email on second line, and phone on the third file):
Lance Farmer
Lawrence Garcia
diam@amagna.ca 1-665-672-6398 Petra Williamson euismod.in@convallisligulaDonec.co.uk
  • Tip: names contain spaces, so you will most likely want to read by line rather than by token; check the available methods in Scanner.
  • public boolean addContact (String name, String email, String phone): a Contact entry is created (refer to contact class description in this document) and stored as an entry value in the HashMap, using the an all-lowercase version of the contact's name as the key value (for example, the contact "George Mason" would use the key "george mason"). Since duplicates are not allowed, this method returns false whenever a key matching the same name (all lower case) exists in the map, true otherwise.
  • public boolean deleteContact (String name): removes the element with a matching key from the map, returns true if the contact is deleted or false if the contact was not found in the map. public Contact getContact (String name) a getter method which finds the contact with the matching key and returns the Contact which was found, or null if not found.
  • public String getContact Info (String name) a getter method which finds the contact with the matching key and returns a text description of the contact using the toString() in Contact, or null if not found.
  • public String getEmail (String name) and public String getPhone (String name), getter methods which find the contact with the matching key and return a text description of the name/email of the contact, or null if not found. For either method, the method should return the description in the following format:"NAME: EMAIL" or "NAME: PHONE".
  • For updating a contact, we definc public boolean updateEmail (String name, String email) and public boolean updatePhone (String name, String phone): given a name and an updated field, these methods will find the contact entry and update the given field (email / phone). These methods return true if an update is successful, or false if no matching entry is found in the map.
  • public String getContactList () uses the helper static method PhoneBookUtils.mapToString method to get a string representation of the hash map, and returns it.
  • public String getSortedContactList() which first converts the hash map "entries" into a List (for example type ArrayList) and then invokes the helper static method PhoneBookUtils.listToSortedList to get a string representation of a sorted entry list, and returns it. This method should not change the actual order of the entries within the hash map, hence the intermediate step. Hint: applying the .values() method on the hashmap will return a list of the hashmap entry values.
  • public String getSortedContactListAlt() this method first converts the hash map "entries" into an array of type Contact [] (using the toArray (T[] a) method provided by the collection), then it invokes the helper method PhoneBookUtils.insertionSort to get the array sorted, and finally it returns a string representation of the sorted array. The result of this method is identical to the getsortedContactList(), but differs by implementing a different technique to sort.
  • public String searchContactList (String name): this method will return a string representation of the chosen contact, which is to be found using the PhoneBookUtils.BinarySearch helper method. A suggested approach is to first convert the hash map "entries" into an array, then search for the contact within the array, finally turning it into a string and returning the result. Note that even if we do not know the email or phone, we can still use the search by creating a dummy object with a blank email and phone. We would create a dummy object with the name of the person we are looking for and "" for email and phone, and search for the dummy in the list. Since only the name field is used by the compare to method in Contact, the dummy object will succeed in finding the real contact. searchContactList returns a string representation of the contact object if it is found or null otherwise.
  • @Override public Iterator< Contact > iterator () this method will return an iterator which will allow iterating over the contacts in sorted order. A suggested approach is to first convert the contact list hash map into an ArrayList of "entry" values, then sort the list using the static method Collections.sort, and finally instantiate a new iterator object by passing it the sorted array list. The method will return the created iterator object, which iterates over the sorted "entry" values.


public class PhoneBookIterator< E > implements Iterator< E >: An iterator implementation in Java is just a class which implements the Iterator interface. Since we are going to use this class inside a PhoneBook we make this class an inner class (or nested class), which just means that we define it inside of the PhoneBook class. We may make inner classes public or private, but for this project we will use public so that we can see the implementation.

This iterator class will maintain two instance variables: a private ArrayList structure (which becomes the iterable object once the iterator is instantiated), and a private integer variable which keeps track of the current position of the iterator. It includes the following public methods:

  • A single parameterized constructor which receives an ArrayList< E > through its parameter list and uses it to initialize its internal array list structure. The constructor method would also initialize the position variable to 0.
  • @Override public boolean hasNext(): returns true if there are more objects in the iterable structure, or false otherwise.
  • @Override public E next(): returns the next element to be read from the iterable structure, and increases position forward by 1. This method must throw an NoSuchElementException() exception when there is no next element to be read (position of iterator is beyond the size of the array list).

Here is a sample run to show how this class works:

> java.util.Iterator< Contact > it = blackbook. iterator();
> while (it.hasNext()) System.out.println (it.next());
Arthur Moody, email: est@temporerat.com, phone: 1-170-451-6998.
Baxter Cantu, email: arcu.iculis@iaculis.net, phone: 1-606-427-1676.
Forrest Beach, email: vulpute@Nuldum.co.uk, phone: 1-117-275-2165.
Lance Farmer, email: sem.egestas@ctus.ca, phone: 1-425-180-9073.
Petra Wiley, email: Morbi.m@duiquis.com, phone: 1-357-588-7644.
> it.next()
java.util. No SuchElementException at PhoneBook $ PhoneBookIterator.next (PhoneBook.java:169)
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