


Write a program that inputs sales amounts from five regions of a company and displays a pie chart as a percentage of sales. See Implementation, Testing, Picture and Sample Code sections below.


Write the following classes:

class JFrmeExt

Write a class JFrameExt that extends JFrame and provides the following:

  • Five private double variables for holding sales amounts from five regions: North, South, East, West, and Midwest.
  • A public constructor with five parameters that initializes the sales amounts for the five regions.
  • The method paint() that overrides the paint method in the parent class. In the paint method, convert the sales amounts into fraction of the total and display them as a pie chart as shown below. Also show a legend at the bottom of the pie chart.

class Main

Write a class Main that contains the method main(). In the main method, provide the following:

  • Prompt the user to input sales amounts for the five regions as double values.
  • Create a JFrameExt object and pass it the sales amounts of the five regions.
  • Set the size of the JFrameExt object to 500,650.
  • Set the JFrameExt object to be visible.


Use the following test data in millions of dollars:

North: 20.0
South: 25.0
East: 15.0
West: 30.0
Midwest 10.0


See image:

Sample Code

//Class JFrameExt

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.HeadlessException;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class JFrameExt extends JFrame {
private double north;
private double south;
private double east;
private double west;
private double midwest;
public JFrameExt(double north, double south, double east, double west,
double midwest) throws HeadlessException {
this.north = north;
this.south = south;
this.east = east;
this.west = west;
this.midwest = midwest;
public void paint (Graphics g){
//clean the surface of all drawings

double total=north+south+east+west+midwest;

//draw arc for north region
int startAngle=0;
int arcLength=(int)(north/total*360.0);

//draw arc for south region

//draw arc for east region

//draw arc for west region

//draw arc for midwest region

//draw the legend for north region

int xRect=100;
int rectWidth=50;
int horSpacing=10;
int vertSpacing=5;

int yRect=500;
int rectHeight=10;
g.fillRect (xRect,yRect,rectWidth,rectHeight);

int xString=xRect+rectWidth+horSpacing;
int yString=yRect+rectHeight;
String theString="North - 20.0";
g.drawString (theString,xString,yString);

//draw the legend for south region
//x-values stay the same
//y-values change
g.fillRect (xRect,yRect,rectWidth,rectHeight);

theString="South - 25.0";
g.drawString (theString,xString,yString);

//draw the legend for east region

//draw the legend for west region

//draw the legend for east region


//Class Main
//Input the sales amount from the user.
//In the code below, sales amounts are hard-coded for convenience

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrameExt f = new JFrameExt(20,25,15,30,10);


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